Astrology 8/19/21


Astrology 11.26.20



Astrology | Week of May 20, 2010


Astrology | Week of Dec. 2, 2010

ARIES March 21-April 19: Physicist Stephen Hawking believes it would be dangerous to get in touch with extraterrestrial creatures. “If aliens visit us,” he says, “the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the ...

Astrology | Week of February 3, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: Now and then, members of other astrological signs complain that I seem to favor you, Aries, above them. If that’s true, I’m certainly not aware of it. As far as I know, I love all the signs equally. I will say this, however: Due to the ...

Astrology | Week of Jan. 05, 2012

ARIES March 21-April 19: “It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions,” says poet Robert Bly. That’s why he decided to learn to love his obsessions. I urge you to keep his approach in mind throughout the coming months, Aries. You are likely ...

Astrology l Week of March 29, 2012

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: A few months after America invaded Iraq in 2003, soldier Brian Wheeler wrote the following to help us imagine what it was like over there...

Astrology | Week of August 23, 2012

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Do you know what a controlled burn is? Firefighters start small, manageable fires on purpose so as to eradicate brush that has accumulated too close to wooded areas. With less fuel around, bigger fires are not as likely to ignite accidentally...

Astrology | Week of November 1

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Big opportunities are coming up for you. Even if you cash in on them, though, they aren’t likely to make an immediate practical impact. They are subtle and deep, these prospects. They have the potential of catalyzing monumental shifts in your...

Astrology | Week of January 10, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Writing at, Charlie Jane Anders provides “10 Signs You Could Be the Chosen Savior.” Among the clues are the following: 1. “How often does someone comes up to you on the street, point at you, gibber something inarticulate, and run away...

Astrology | Week of June 20, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Maybe you’ve seen that meme circulating on the Internet: “My desire to be well-informed is at odds with my desire to remain sane.” If you feel that way now — and I suspect you might soon if you don’t already — you have cosmic permission, at ...

Freewill Astrology | Week of December 26, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Edmund Kean (1789- 1833) was one of the most famous British actors of his time. But a contemporary, the poet Samuel Coleridge, was frustrated by Kean’s inconsistency, regarding him as a great artist who on occasion lapsed into histrionics. “...



Astrology | Week of Nov. 28, 2009

ARIES March 21-April 19: One of the greatest superpowers a human being can have is the ability to change herself in accordance with her intentions. Let’s say you’re tired of feeling shame about something there’s no good reason to feel shame about, and you decide to ...