Astrology 8/19/21


Astrology 11.26.20



Astrology | Week of Feb 23, 2012

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: I invite you to identify all the things in your life that you really don’t need any more: gadgets that have become outdated, clothes that no longer feel like you, once-exciting music and books and art works that no longer mean what they once ...

Astrology | Week of February 7, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: “What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible,” said poet Theodore Roethke. For the foreseeable future, Aries, you could and should be a person like that. I’m not saying that you will forevermore be a connoisseur of amazements...

Astrology | Week of February 21, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: In the course of her world travels, writer Jane Brunette has seen many wonderful things — as well as a lot of trash. The most beautiful litter, she says, is in Bali. She loves the “woven palm leaf offerings, colorful cloth left from a ...

Astrology | Week of May 30, 2013

ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: Back in the 1920s, the governor of Texas was determined to forbid the teaching of foreign languages in public schools. To bolster her case, she called on the Bible. “If English was good enough for Jesus Christ,” she said, “it’s good enough ...

Astrology | Week of July 4, 2013

ARIESMarch 21-April 19:In his book The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden, Robert Johnson says many of us are as much in debt with our psychic energy as we are with our financial life. We work too hard. We rarely refresh ourselves with silence and slowness and peace...

Astrology | Week of September 19, 2013

ARIES March 21-April 19: “If Taylor Swift is going to have six breakups a year,” observed comedian Bill Maher, “she needs to write a new song entitled ‘Maybe It’s Me.’” He was referring to Swift’s habit of using her romantic misadventures to stimulate her lyric-...


ARIES MARCH 21-APRIL 19: We all have addictive and obsessive tendencies. They are fundamental to being human. So the challenge is not to eliminate them — that’s not possible — but rather to harness them. If you hope to keep them from dragging you down, you must work ...



Astrology | Week of May 20, 2010


Astrology | Week of Dec. 2, 2010

ARIES March 21-April 19: Physicist Stephen Hawking believes it would be dangerous to get in touch with extraterrestrial creatures. “If aliens visit us,” he says, “the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the ...

Astrology | Week of Dec. 23, 2010

ARIES March 21-April 19: “There’s always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in,” wrote novelist Graham Greene. I’ll add to that: There are at least three moments in adulthood when a new door opens and invites the rest of the future in. ...