

Scramble Campbell 11th Annual 3-D Art Experience

Thursday-Sunday June 25-28, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, 18300 W. Alameda Parkway, Morrison, 720-865-2494.

When legendary jam band Widespread Panic plays three shows this weekend at Red Rocks, audience members can expect music, dancing… and paint. That paint comes courtesy of Scramble Campbell, known to many as the “dancing painter.” You may have seen Campbell in the past, stationed at concerts among the audience with his easel and paint brushes, dancing along to the beat and painting depictions of the musicians on stage. At the end of every show, Campbell’s efforts result in unique encapsulations of the performances through these one-of-a-kind paintings. Along with the concert, Red Rocks will be showcasing Campbell’s work throughout the years, including some of the more than 150 paintings he’s done live with Widespread Panic.

—Sam Routhier