
Take it to the tap

It’s the summer of homebrewers. Or, more accurately, it’s the summer they’re stepping out...

A distinctive Indian lunch buffet

For those old enough, you may remember 1985 as a dark time, mostly because that’s when McDonald’s launched the McDLT. In today’s recycling-conscious age, the McDLT probably wouldn’t exist. For those of you unfamiliar with this environmental atrocity, this was a ...

Dressing up your drinks for spring

Trying to eat better this spring? Or at least trying to look better when you bust out the shorts and swimsuits this summer? Boulder Weekly sat down with James Lee, owner/partner of Blackbelly Catering and The Bitter Bar to discuss his favorite seasonal drinks and ...

Al fresco at Zucca

Located smack dab in the middle of downtown Louisville, Zucca Italian Ristorante boasts an inviting ambience balancing the rustic with a subtle but unmistakable European flair. The same can also be said of the menu, which ranges from old standbys like comforting ...


In recent years, Boulder has become a haven for startup companies and locally crafted products. One typically mass-produced item, chocolate, has blossomed in Boulder’s local craft market. Working with small batches and quality ingredients, local chocolate crafters ...

Chinese-American standbys

I’ve finally taken a “If you can’t beat, join ‘em” tack to my critical assessment of local Chinese restaurants. No longer do I hold Boulder eateries to the same standard of the Bay Area joints of my youth. Why? Because for the most part, establishments around here ...

Little restaurants that could

In a foodie town with freight engines like Frasca, Centro and The Kitchen, it is easy to get overshadowed. Yet with optimism, family support and fresh, authentic food, restaurants like Il Pastaio and Arabesque exemplify the little engine that could. Despite the ...

Santa Fe in Longmont

Back in high school, a friend of mine worked at a Washington, D.C., beverage emporium called Georgetown Coffee and Tea...

One baker’s road to cakes

Cake, frosting, ganache, chocolate, physical therapy...

A high-end food court

Neither good food nor subtlety was a strong suit at the busy suburban mall food courts of my youth. In those pre-Sbarro years, kitsch was king. Over-the-top Union Jack displays heralded the fish and chips stand, and garish, if not stereotypical, lanterns and kimonos ...

Local spice shop blends affordability, education

When Dan Hayward looks at his own store, he can see the obstacles it faces. Savory Spice Shop is tucked into the expensive-looking strip along Broadway north of Pearl Street — Hayward calls it a “destination shop” that probably looks like a fancier, more expensive ...

A laudable weekend brunch

Sunday morning was rough. I had injured my knee the day before, resulting in an ER visit and an unsure prognosis. My friend Ann suggested an ameliorative brunch, and I was game, but not necessarily up for one of those popular joints with a long wait and hip vibe. Nor...