
How to be smarter about SmartRegs


A half-century later, the environmental movement returns to its roots

It’s been more than four decades since the first Earth Day event held on April 22, 1970. And since that time it is fair to say that the environmental movement has had its ups and downs. So where does it stand today, and what should we expect moving forward? When it ...

Obama, like past leaders, a slow starter

Happy first anniversary, Barack Obama. Although happy is probably the wrong word...

A challenge to end childhood hunger

Improving access to quality education is the single greatest investment we can make in our country, but for children to succeed in the classroom, we must first make sure their basic needs are met...

Remembering the real dream

Every January on Martin Luther King Day, people across the political spectrum claim King as one of their own. Few remember that he had become a pariah in mainstream politics in his last days. He was widely condemned for his opposition to the Vietnam War. Right-...

The City of Boulder’s pot power grab

Some voters oppose Amendment 64 because it gives local governments too much power. The city of Boulder opposes it because it doesn’t give them enough...

Stand up for Walmart workers

Courageous Walmart workers have been striking and committing civil disobedience around the country...

Stand up for your health

In Denver and Fort Collins, activists with Health Care for All Colorado (HCAC) have just hosted 48th birthday celebrations for Medicare, the highly successful program that has provided comprehensive low-cost health care for older people and the disabled since 1965. ...

For kids’ health, Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel both deserve the...

As part of an effort to snuff out youth smoking, selling candy-, fruit- and spice-flavored cigarettes is now illegal in the United States...

Continue saying no to nukes

Climate change is the biggest challenge human beings have ever faced. We don’t have much time to deal with it. Unfortunately, political transformation is usually a slow process...

Criminalizing us all

"You don't need to know. You can't know...

Arizona’s immigration law

The Obama administration is considering suing Arizona to block implementation of its harsh new immigration enforcement measure, SB 1070. The Justice Department doesn’t have much time — barring a judicial stay, the law goes into effect July 29 — and a decision, to sue...