
Some Medications Scare Me

Dear Pharmacist, I just became a pharmacist and started reading your syndicated column. Your emphasis is usually centered around the benefits of vitamins, minerals or alternative treatments, as compared to prescription medications.  I take offense sometimes because I...

The prostate pleasure principle

On the backside of our body we have an erogenous zone that’s a little less known: the anus. While ladies may also like back-door bliss, for men, the anus is the entry to the prostate — often referred to as the male G-spot. This luscious region has numerous nerve ...

FDA Requires Me to Tiptoe Through My Two Lips

Dear Pharmacist,My question is about the FDA and freedom of speech. The reason I ask is that I am reading your Drug Muggers book, and you make a lot of nutrient recommendations. When I called a big online store to ask a question about a supplement they sell, they ...

High-maintenance vaginas

My vagina is very high-maintenance. I mean, really, whose isn’t? A vagina needs grooming and cleaning, love and affection, touch and pleasure, and, of course, good vibrations. Eve Ensler launched the Vagina Monologues in 1996. This was such an asset to our ...

Relieve Sore, Achy Muscles Fast

Dear Pharmacist, I moved some furniture last weekend and my muscles are still sore. This happens every time I exert myself, even from walking around the block. My muscles aren’t as resilient as in years past.  What can I do or take?  --M.J. Decatur, IllinoisAnswer:  ...

Not so pretty in pink

Big Pharm is trying to barge into our bedroom again. They did it with the little blue pill, Viagra, and now they are doing it again with the little pink pill, Flibanserin. While Viagra addresses blood flow, helping a man achieve a stronger, longer erection, the ...

The goods on grapefruit and medications that won’t mix

Dear Pharmacist, My medication label suddenly warns not to eat grapefruit, but is this a serious interaction? Reason I ask is because I love to eat it, and nothing has happened to me so far.  --K.A., Tulsa, OklahomaAnswer: Then stay consistent with your eating habits...

Sloppy seconds

Meet John, a lanky, redhaired math major at CU. He scopes out the party with fraternity brother Ron, a more widely built and brown-haired guy. They take a few swigs from their bottles of Fat Tire before they finally notice Katie, a petite brunette with green eyes...

What does your sex life say?

Last week I gave a talk on relationship communication at Fascinations in Boulder. I was worried that the topic would be somewhat lackluster. At Fascinations, I’m usually asked to talk about captivating cunnilingus and fabulous fellatio. “Communication” seemed a ...

The crusade against contraception

The birth control pill turned 50 years old last month. This marked a milestone in the world of contraception — for women, sexuality and reproductive health and family planning. Of course, women have always had a ways of preventing pregnancy. In 1500 B.C., ...