Some facts about GMO crops Jones and Gardner tried to hide


The County Commissioners’ March 17 decision to ban GMOs from Boulder County open space was rigged. Commissioners Elise Jones and Deb Gardner had their minds made up months before the actual decision.

If there is any doubt on this point, consider their attempt to suppress a county-sponsored study of comparative agricultural practices in Boulder County when it didn’t come out to their liking.

The study, titled “Economic, Environmental, and Social implications of cropping systems in Boulder County,” was prepared by Boulder County’s Parks and Open Space Department and the CSU Extension. Farmers fighting the GMO ban call it the White Paper. The study ended up showing that agricultural practices based on GMO crops:

1) Used fewer and less toxic pesticides than conventionally grown crops, 2) Used less diesel fuel than either conventionally grown or organic crops, 3) Saved a substantial amount of water compared to either conventional or organically grown crops, 4) Were much less disruptive of the soil than either conventionally or organically grown crops, and 5) Had a much lower carbon footprint than conventional or organic farming.

Faced with these findings, Jones and Gardner attempted to suppress the study, claiming it was just a working draft. That prompted the farmers who were targeted by the GMO ban to file a Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) action, which eventually resulted in the study becoming public.

Some background:

Corn and sugar beets, the main crops that will be banished from Boulder County Open Space if Jones and Gardner get their way, have been genetically engineered to have three traits: resistance to the herbicide Glyphosate (aka Roundup), inclusion of a trait from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) that kills corn rootworms and other insect pests, and, more recently, inclusion of a trait from the ubiquitous bacterium Bacillus subtilis that imparts drought resistance.

Together, the Roundup Ready and Bt traits have resulted in an enormous drop in the use of pesticides globally; the original motive for producing genetically engineered varieties was pesticide reduction. And the Roundup Ready trait has made possible the use of strip-till farming practices, which are having a revolutionary impact on farming.

Farmers plough fields primarily for weed control. Both conventional and organic farming practices require ploughing, which consumes large amounts of diesel fuel and allows substantial amounts of both water and carbon dioxide to escape from the soil. Strip till practices involve leaving the residue from the previous year’s crop in place and ploughing just narrow strips in which the seeds are planted and immediately sprayed with Roundup (one quart per acre). The Roundup and the crop residue left in place keep the weeds down until the crop has emerged and formed a canopy.

With this in mind, here are some of the findings Jones and Gardner didn’t want made public before they voted to screw the farmers last March, and chances are still prefer to ignore:

•The diesel fuel burned in conventional corn farming in Boulder County produces 180-316 pounds of CO2 per acre. Organic corn farming produces 134-290 pounds CO2 per acre. The figures for strip tillage with Roundup Ready corn are 51-181 pounds CO2 per acre — up to two-thirds less.

•The water loss from conventional and organic tillage practices comes to 2.25 inches per acre for conventional and 2.59 inches for organic. The water loss from Roundup Ready enabled strip tillage is 0.24 inch per acre — less than a tenth as much as organic.

•The act of ploughing up a field releases much more CO2 from the soil than is released from the tractor. Conventional and organic practices release 3,021 and 3,151 pounds per acre respectively. The figure for Roundup enabled strip tillage is 474 pounds per acre — or less than a sixth as much.

• Using a measure of aggregate pesticide toxicity called the Environmental Index Quotient developed by Cornell University, the study found that the alternative stew of pesticides that farmers will have to use if they can’t plant genetically engineered corn is over 500 percent more toxic than if they use Roundup Ready/Bt varieties. For sugar beets, the other crop hit by the ban, the figure is 1,100 percent more toxic. This finding is particularly damning since Commissioner Gardner said her vote against GMO crops was not a vote again GMOs per se, but a vote against the use of Glyphosate, which is much less toxic than the alternatives that will have to be used instead.

Similar advantages were found for genetically engineered sugar beets over beets grown with conventional practices. (No one grows organic sugar beets.)

Jones and Gardner claim they want to ban GMOs in the name of making farming on Boulder County Open Space more “sustainable.” But the county’s own study makes a mockery of the claim. The study showed that GMO cropping practices were much more sustainable than either conventional agricultural practices using non-GMO crops or, in most respects, than organic practices.

In trying to ban genetically engineered crops from County open space, Jones and Gardner may be shilling for the local natural food barons or pandering to the local food cranks who eat at the American table but won’t stop complaining about the food, but the one thing they are not being is “sustainable.” Or rational.

This opinion column does not necessarily reflect the views of Boulder Weekly.


  1. The saddest this about this is that it’s not at all shocking that they tried to cover up such data, in fact I’m more shocked that those lying and fear mongering against biotechnology actually bothering too do a study and gather data, they usually just outright lie and make unfounded claims against gm crops and fabricate some data that a child should be able to tell is bullshit

      • Why do so many people that are pro-GMO have cartoon characters for avatars? is it because you can’t use stock pictures from the Internet anymore, for you fake accounts?

        • Why do so many people that are pro-GMO have cartoon characters for avatars?

          Heck if I know. I’m betting it’s because we all don’t have a stick up our ass about nonsense bull $hlt like youhone heads do. Consequently, we tend to have a sense of humor about stuff.

          You guys on the other hand…. zoiks!

    • My mother had a doctor tell her that she should start to smoke to help her nerves. He know for a fact that studies showed that smoking was absolutely harmless. it was written by the Heritage Foundation. The same people that most of those that post here , work for.

      • Yes, doctors promoting smoking is very relevant to the topic of hiding comparative studies between conventional, organic and GE-crop farming. Do you have anything relevant to say, at least?

        • I think the blatant collusion and corruption between industry and government is pretty relevant here. The tobacco industry smells a lot like the agrochemical/ biotech industry. Both are well known for lobbying government, distorting science, and using propagandist techniques to sway public opinion.

      • oooh anecdotal unfounded bullshit, thanks for showing what you think counts as data, keep on displaying the stupidity required to oppose improved crop breeding methods from helping those who need it most, your actions will not be forgotten or forgiven, keep on lying you’re only providing more evidence for the disgusting crimes your are committing against humanity

  2. If people want to read some extremely extensive reports on GE crops I suggest they read

    “Impact of GE crops on farm Sustainability in the US-National Academy of science 2012

    “A Decade of EU-Funded GMO research 2000-2010”-European Commission

    “Planting the Future”-European Academies Science Advisory Council 2013

    “GE Crops”- National Academy of Sciences 2016

    All are available for free on-line

    • I suggest you post links and announce who paid for those studies. You write with the same slipshod garbage science of Big Tobacco.

        • Monsanto’s own scientists told them Roundup/glyphosate caused cancer over 35 years ago. Instead of disclosing that fact, they colluded with the EPA who approved glyphosate over the objections of their own staff scientists and called the science “inconvenient” and hid the science away from other scientists, the courts, and the people as a trade secret while at the same time telling us it was safe.

          The World Health Organization and the have both proclaimed that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.

          The Genetic Literacy Project is a wholly controlled GMO pesticide industry disinformation astro-turf site. The GLP has a reputation for bad writing, GMO pesticide industry enemy hit pieces, and controlled tightly managed and censored public participation, and lack of ethics. All you will find there is GMO pesticide industry PR based talking points and cherry picked agenda driven GMO pesticide industry junk pseudo-science. Any real science that doesn’t support the GMO pesticide industry agenda will be attacked or ignored. The GLP can not be considered in the same universe with any credible ethical scientific publication.

          • The evidence is in the Monsanto studies that they tried to hide as a trade secret. Anthony Samsel was the first scientist to gain access to these hidden Monsanto studies under a freedom of information request. The data in these studies show Monsanto knew that glyphosate caused cancer. Then Monsanto colluded with the EPA who approved glyphosate over he objections of their own staff scientist while Monsanto told the world glyphosate was safe. You can make a freedom of information act request and gain access to the data or you can read about it in this study:

            Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies
            Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff.
            Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 15 (2015), 121–159.

          • I gave you the information. Look it up for yourself.

            It is not grandstanding to post accurate verifiable information, It looks like some industry trolls are so inept as to need to use name calling innuendo because they can’t refute the facts I have posted.

          • So then…if I understand you correctly, you are unable to post anything that backs up any of your claims.

            Ok…got it.

          • Smart readers have already seen the facts I posted and all your lame attempts to spin t away like all the industry trolls do is getting really boring and stale.

          • Even “smart readers” couldn’t possibly have “already seen the facts” you haven’t posted. Only psychic readers might have accomplished that mission impossible.

            Just post the evidence. What’s the problem? Don’t have it, do you. Thought so.

          • All right then… so, to summarize, you have been unable or are unwilling to back up anything you’ve said with any facts.

            Got it.

          • To summarize you are an abusive harassing industry troll who won’t accept the truth if it conflicts with your industry agenda.

          • How are you doing little middle school playground guy?

            You won’t go far with your scripted industry BS when truth tellers are around.

          • Lol… “scripted” says the guy who pastes the exact same copy/paste B.S. across a half dozen different accounts.

          • Man, you are really dedicated. You never break character, even when others mistake you for an anti-science troll. I commend your commitment to the parody of Ted Miner.

          • You are an adolescent troll who is calling everyone Ted when you can not refute the truth they tell.

            You are a low IQ loser who can’t hold down any job that benefits anyone besides the local drug dealer.

            Go piss up a rope!

          • Ted, you know that I work in conservation. You know my job involves working with farmers. You know my job benefits the local ecosystem, farmers, and the public.

            Tsk, tsk, telling fibs again.

          • You are deluded. You are promoting the sale of poison food and the destruction and poisoning of the echo systems with your dale of chemical toxins.

            You are a common troll.

          • Hogwash. The IARC is not equal to the WHO. You probably know this, but choose to ignore that little tidbit. Their assessment of the supposed carcinogenity of glyphosate has been shred to pieces numerous times:



            The last paragraph is some nice word salad. Instead of shooting the pianist and immediately dismissing a source as biased or controlled by an industry, why not argue from content instead of directly going for the ad hominem attack, hm?

          • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization.

            You have linked to the skeptical raptor which is a well known industry astroturf site designed to confuse and deceive people about any truth that conflicts with the industry agenda.

          • I don’t go to the skeptical raptor because it is another astroturf propaganda site.

            The IARC is part of the WHO. The official position of both the IARC and the WHO is that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.

            If you don’t like my writing style don’t read my posts. It is not an attack to accurately describe the truth everyone can see.

          • The Genetic Literacy Project is a wholly controlled GMO pesticide industry disinformation astro-turf site. The GLP has a reputation for bad writing, GMO pesticide industry enemy hit pieces, and controlled tightly managed and censored public participation, and lack of ethics. All you will find there is GMO pesticide industry PR based talking points and cherry picked agenda driven GMO pesticide industry junk pseudo-science. Any real science that doesn’t support the GMO pesticide industry agenda will be attacked or ignored. The GLP can not be considered in the same universe with any credible ethical scientific publication.

        • Don’t mind Sparkle, he is not being serious. He only pretends to be anti science. He is merely mocking a well known idiot named Ted Miner, a grossly undereducated moron. In fact, this is all code. The more he protests, the more he agrees with you.
          While I find his antics funny, I don’t think this is the appropriate place for it.

          • Deflamation.

            What is defamation?

            Generally, defamation is a false and unprivileged statement of fact
            that is harmful to someone’s reputation, and published “with fault,”
            meaning as a result of negligence or malice. State laws often define
            defamation in specific ways. Libel is a written defamation; slander is a
            spoken defamation.

            What are the elements of a defamation claim?

            The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:

            a publication to one other than the person defamed;

            a false statement of fact;

            that is understood as

            a. being of and concerning the plaintiff; and

            b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.


        • Hilarious that you would dis one of the most independent, qualified research groups on the planet and instead cite an industry funded astroturf group like the GLP. (Pretty sure we all know where your biases and loyalties lie.)

        • wonder when the IARC will come out against organic pesticides that have much greater toxicity, wouldn’t be that they are in any way bias now would it

      • Yup. Robert Wager is a well known, pro-GMO spokesperson and advocate. He’s been trolling social media articles on GMOs for about 7 years now, promoting and defending the agrochemical/ biotech industry. I wouldn’t believe a word he says,

        • Yup. Rob Bright is a well known, anti-GMO crank and advocate. He’s been trolling social media articles on GMOs for about 7 years now, promoting and defending the Big Organic/tarot card reading/alternative nonsense industry. I wouldn’t believe a word he says.

          • Silly child. I didn’t even know biotech was controversial until the Colorado GMO labeling initiative went down in 2014. I’ve always felt it was a good thing to feed starving people, like most people.

            I was very surprised to find out there was an organized pro-starvation political movement. I like technology – I’m one of the inventors of Wi-Fi – and see it offers a lot of potential to improve the quality of human life around the globe.

            So why do you hate humanity, “Not Too” Bright?

          • But how has it feeding the starving people if the starving people are STILL starving? Right, it hasn’t because most of the GMO crops are mostly grown for bio fuels, animal feed and processed foods. That “feeding the starving” nonsense has been debunked long ago.

          • Silly comment. Are all the world’s farmers permitted to use GE? Have we seen the best forms of GE yet? Drought resistant seeds are relatively new, but already making an impact.

            We’ve had thousands of years experience with conventional and almost 100 with organic, so we know they haven’t solved the hunger problem. There has been a dramatic reduction in hunger over the last 30 years, so the astute observer can see progress.

            CRISPR will be the real game changer.

          • More ridiculous nonsense. Our world grows enough food to feed double today’s population and there is so much waste to go along with it. What you are saying is hogwash. We don’t need GE or CRISPR,

          • That word – stupid – isn’t one that you should use too much; unless you’re going for laughs. Even your fellow science-haters such as Vandana Shiva acknowledge that uneaten food and starving people are in different places.

          • LOL! Says the adolescent troll who just called another poster a “disingenuous cunt” and then accused another poster of using “ad hominem fallacies”..

            You really are one of the dumbest of the dumb.

          • lol you’re actually beyond retarded huh, i was actually calling out a pure ad hominem argument, of rob bright claiming, his claim that robert wager has no credibility because of some unfounded link to biotech industry is nothing but ad hominem, it would matter if he was paid by Satan to lie and the lies he make are made true by Satan manipulating reality…. where as calling out a disingenuous cunt for being a disingenuous cunt and running from simple scientific facts is in no way an ad hominem attack, keep up the stupid, btw calling your stupidity stupid is also not ad hominem

          • lol so you want to actually link some data showing gm crops are harmful or just keep on being a disingenuous cunt and claiming all those who ask such question are shills

      • “No studies that show the links between cancer and Glyphosphate.”

        That is because there are none. You would think that trolls that get paid to post in every forum related to agriculture or food could at least spell the name of the product they despise so much. Just shows their lack of concern for facts or details. It is the anti-GMO and anti-glyphosate trolls who rely on tobacco science. #glyphosate

      • First and last by US-National Academy of science were paid by US government, the other two by European commission which is equivalent to EU government. It is the some govermental body that has been so far so successful in blocking any attempt to grow GMO crops in the EU..

      • morons like you may want to read the Geneva convention on the ethical restriction around human testing, not that ethical restrictions on scientific testing has ever got in the way of anti gmoers and their vile propaganda before, have fun supporting disgusting crap like seralini

    • Robert Wagner (AKA Jason, AKA GMO Roberts) What will you do when you fiind out the products you have been hyping for years are proven to have killed millions of people?

      • Citation or gtfo. There’s no indication whatsoever that GE-crops kill people. Stupidity from anti’s on the other hand …

        • It’s already happening. U.S. life expectancy is dropping and serious medical issues like bile duct cancer, Kidney and renal pelvic cancer, urinary bladder cancer, thyroid cancer, not only that but also hypertension, stroke, obesity, diabetes, renal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infection, autism, alzheimer’s , and parkinson’s. All of these have increased dramatically since cancer causing Roundup laden GMOs were introduced with out any long term safety testing and purposely hidden from us in the food supply.

          • Hmmm…all of these have increased since organic foods hit the market some 25 years ago. More organic food is being consumed, these dreadful diseases are on the rise, life expectancy is less, all because of increased organic food consumption. It’s obvious! There can be no doubt.

          • Organic food is only 5% or less of the U.S. food market. A simple course in basic statistics will tell us that the chance of your agenda driven organic straw-man has close to zero probability.

          • Only proving organic food is a dangerously high-potency agent in this dreadful health and longevity debacle. Sure, organic is only a puny 5% of the market but retailing being what it is, virtually everyone has been exposed to organic food in some small way…and, bam!, now everyone’s getting sick and dying young. It’s like exposing everyone to the AIDS virus — just a little exposure one time is enough to possibly do you in. Heh, organic zealots are always yammering about how special organic food is, you never hear them saying the stuff is ineffective…until now, eh Ted?

          • Maybe you are not aware that this conversation is about GMOs in Colorado.

            Many of us have seen you on other threads with your rabid poorly written opinionated rants that attempt to demonize the cleanest food we have in the marketplace while ignoring the serious issues with cancer causing Roundup/glyphosate laden GMOs.

          • Well, in fact, this article is about how anti-GMO zealots squelched information pertinent to informed decision-making in order to jam an unscientific political agenda down the throats of Boulder residents.

            Many of us have seen you struggle to derail the topic in a lame attempt to distract from the facts. Soon you will be joined by a well-known crew of cloned commenters to amplify your effort and upvote your off-topic ranting, if I am not mistaken. Many of us have seen you on other threads doing that.

          • Everyone can read the article for themselves and see what it is about. We don’t need an agenda driven blowhard industry operative to define our reality.

          • Right, so you will need to post evidence to back up your agenda driven blowhard industry operative ranting. Just post the legitimate information. What’s the problem?

          • Why are you harassing me with your abusive language? All I did was politely ask you to enumerate the points of “pseudo-science” you perceive in the study (which, it turns out, you cannot do), and instead you call me rude names and refuse to support your claims with any legitimate evidence? What is wrong with you?

          • It is not abuse to accurately describe your overblown agenda driven industry operative presence when your behavior supports the label used to accurately describe it here.

          • Yes, of course, anyone who requests supporting evidence of questionable claims deserves a run-around and a heaping ration of rudeness. Of course. If you say so. Won’t ask you to back up your ludicrous opinion with facts or evidence. Pointless, that.

          • Those who are he with integrity and not a corporate agenda will get all the evidence available, but I won’t waste time providing anything to known agenda driven industry PR operatives.

          • Inasmuch as everything you say and do appears to be a waste of time, indeed, time wasting is your stock and trade, I can understand how you must prioritize your precious time, only wasting it on potential True Believers and other suckers. Rock on Ted, rock on dude!

          • More blowhard BS and defamation will not convince anyone that you are anything except the GMO pesticide industry disinformation echo chamber blowhard PR operative who is losing badly on the facts so all that is left is blowhard standard issue industry disinformation buster and boogers.

          • You know, I get that you are in character, but I don’t think even Ted, as immature and irrational as he is, would stoop to third grade insults.

          • Then why do you keep calling me Ted, troll?

            One thing for sure about you, we can all see that you are very familiar with third grade insults …. that’s about all we ever see from you.

          • Ted is a third grade insult? Why do you think so low of yourself?

            Regardless, this isn’t the place for you, Ted.

          • We can always tell the losers by the fact that they need to resort to name calling, harassment, abuse, and defamation to try and cover their failure to be able to get traction on their industry spin and lies.

            How do you spell loser? D-A-M-O.

          • It’s already happening. U.S. life expectancy is dropping….

            Odd that the CDC disagrees with your assessment on life expectancy. I wonder why?

            As for the rest of your claims…care to post evidence that they’re all true?

          • Look, pal, I only post facts that are verifiable. The numbers change all the time as the data is updated. Please try to keep up to date.

          • Please be specific about the numbers you are talking about. Tell us specifically what the lies are your are accusing me about to harass me.

          • Who’s Ted? Or are you defaming both me and Ted. Come clean, troll boy. Your dirty game is transparent and looks very slimy from here.

          • Sure. Your facts are swiftly verified by razorjack, stopgmo, duo debunkermanns and few others. in your universe its all that is needed. In my universe I would rather put my trust in CDC data.

          • Yet the only one upvoting you is you!

            By the way, Ted, Goose, etc. thanks again for all the upvotes you have given me. I appreciate your support. But don’t you find it hypocritical to support what I say, then publicly say the opposite?

      • Lol, first off I’m none of the, secondly how stupid are you going to feel when after another twenty years your childish fears still haven’t come true?

  3. The White Paper was a propaganda piece with almost all of its’ “science” prepared by the Heritage Foundation. A think tankadvertising company sponsored by Monsanto. These facts that you claim were panned, were shown to be based on false studies and outright lies. If you are going to make a case for GE crops and their massive increase in pesticides and herbicides, don’t use garbage science and advertising claims for you foundation. It makes you look like one of those paid-to-post nutjobs like Robert Wagner or Mischa Popof. Both in the employ of genetic Literacy or the Heritage Foundation.

    • Excellent comment! No doubt, the industry trolls will be thick as thieves on this thread in no time at all. Thanks for cutting through the BS and calling a spade a spade.

        • Now, Sparkle, while I fully support your dedication to pretending to be an anti-science zealot in order to make a fool out of that moron Ted Miner, don’t you think the people of Boulder deserve some privacy in this matter?

          • Do you have actual evidence, or are we going to see more of your defamation and industry troll drool?

            Up to you, industry boy.

          • Another gem. It is almost like you and Ted are of the same mind. If your buddy Cletus didn’t clue me in, I would think you were serious. But no one can be this dumb. No one but Ted Miner, that is.

          • You really have a kinky sick fetish for Ted, troll boy, you are the one who is obsessed with Ted. I’ll bet you dream about Ted.

            Go talk to a shrink about your problems and leave the rest of us out of it, troll boy.

          • Do you see Teds behind every tree and under your bed, troll boy?

            You really need to see a shrink soon before your unhealthy obsession take over completely and the Teds start to come after you in your sleep.

          • So what have you got against Ted? Nobody has seen him post for months. Do you have a Ted fetish that keeps your slobbering about Ted, tell us because we need to understand why your are so obsessed with Ted. Were you jilted by a TED, Damo?

          • Maybe you should read what he wrote when he said, “nobody has seen him post for months”

            Try to learn to read what people said and not what you think they said, troll.

          • Well, Ted, I did ask “her” and you answered. So, let’s drop the act. Get out of here all ready and spare people your transparent nonsense.

          • Not everyone lives on these threads spewing industry PR operative spin, disinformation, and lies like you do.

            The point is that she made her point and you need to challenge her because you are sent here to harass and disrupt the conversions of anyone who disagrees with your industry agenda.

            You are fooling no one.

          • “Not everyone lives on these threads spewing industry PR operative spin, disinformation, and lies…” First learn to use a comma.

            Second, you are right, not everyone does these things. You accuse me of doing it, but obviuosly I don’t, since I ignore half of what you say to me. But you do. You respond minutes after I post. Like a puppy dog called for dinner–except you aren’t cute and cuddly.

            I was not sent to harass anyone nor do I have a need to challenge anyone. You have come to a local paper’s website to spread misinformation about a topic you know nothing about and have brought with you, all of your various usernames. Publicly you spout all kinds of nonsense and foolishness. But privately you agree with me. It is obvious you are taking the most ridiculous of stands just to get attention.

            And I normally don’t mind giving you that attention in the form of sarcasm, but you are crossing a line by playing your game on a website regarding local politics for a population you are not part of.

            This will be my last post to you on this site, so please, for the love of the citizens of Boulder, pretty please keep your dogma to those discussions where it is a little more tolerated.

          • Everyone can see what you are doing here for themselves, troll.

            Goose told the truth about you, everyone can see he is right and that you are an abusive industry troll sent here to disrupt and deceive the readers about the actual facts.

          • It looks to me like your are desperate. Sparkle told you to buzz off and you think she admitted to being Ted. You are a sicko, Damo.

            You’re off your beam and your morbid unhealthy obsession with Ted has exposed your serious mental health issues to the readers here.

      • Readers can see the clear junk pseudo-science in it right away.

        Nobody can prove anything to an agenda driven industry troll.

          • Posting your work on your refrigerator isn’t helping us here. Just humor us and walk us through the points of “pseudo-science” you perceive in the study. So far you have posted no legitimate evidence in support of anything you’ve claimed, even after being politely and repeatedly asked to simply do so. What’s the problem? You don’t have the goods, have you? Thought so.

          • Not going anywhere. Waiting patiently for you to post your credible evidence in support of your blowhard gibberish overblown nonsense. So, post the pertinent information sometime this week, if you would please. What’s the holdup? Why can’t you deliver on a simple requirement?

          • You will wait a long time, blowhard. I don’t post anything for agenda drive industry operatives.

            The legitimate readers already get it, you will not no matter the proof, because we’ve seen your mind controlled industry PR nonsense so many other places on these forums.

          • Yes, I already figured out it would be a long, long, infinitely long wait since you don’t have it, never had it. Good to hear you admit it, though. Must be about time to bring in some of the other marionettes, eh Geppetto? I mean, they all have sawdust for brains but there might still be a remote chance you can fool some gullible reader somewhere. Probably worth a try (and you can’t resist doing it, anyway).

        • Nobody can prove anything to an agenda driven industry troll.

          No need to prove anything to me. But other people read this. Prove it to them, please.

          • “Smart people” have long ago figured out you cannot walk the talk. Looks like you make your living preying on gullible people. The smart people see that right away. Just post the evidence when asked. What’s the problem?

          • I can prove my claims, but I don’t provide proof to agenda driven industry operatives and nobody else has asked for proof because they already get it.

          • Certainly you wouldn’t provide proof, since you don’t actually believe any of this garbage. But you can knock off the act, I am sure Ted Miner isn’t trolling a local paper for an area he doesn’t even live in.

            So, let the people of Boulder settle this on their own and leave your mocking of that moron to some other website.

          • What does your phony trumped up Ted Miner issue have to do with the subject here?

            It looks like your game is defamation of people who are not even posting here.

            You are a sad amoral sot, Damo, your willingness to use your projected hatred of some person who isn’t here on others is depraved and evil in the depths of it’s duplicity.

            Get behind me, Satan.

          • In your own words “So, let the people of Boulder settle this on their own.. ”

            Apparently you think hypocrisy is OK too.

          • Says the guy who says “So, let the people of Boulder settle this on their own .. ” who lives in Pennsylvania who is not fooling anyone with his duplicitous troll drool.

            I have not “invited” you except to invite you to come clean and start telling the truth.

          • I am telling the truth. I am telling you that this is a matter for the people of Boulder Colorado and not you.

            This act is getting old. Once again, if you disagree with me, why do you keep up voting me?

          • Ahhh, here we go — Ted’s rolling out his sockpuppet troupe to amplify and upvote his own nonsense…exactly as predicted. Heh, so transparent, Ted. Knew you couldn’t resist. A criminal mastermind you are not, you ridiculous old fool.

          • Bla bla bla bla…… gasbag blasts his vile industry troll drool out out of his liars mouth.

            You are a common troll and not even very good at that, gasbag.

          • correction: “A criminal mastermind you are not, you ridiculous old fool” should read “A criminal mastermind you are not, you rude ridiculous old fool.”

            You’re still holding back a few sockpuppets Geppetto. Where are Peaceful Warrior and E. Sandwich. Doesn’t it count when you upvote yourself with them?

          • Gasbag spewing troll is not getting traction on industry talking points and needs a diversion to keep his troll hand in here.

            Desperate futility for an ignorant over blow gasbag troll with a popped balloon and nothing but hyperbolic BS.

          • Heh, heh, heh, atta boy Geppetto: arms flailing, spittle flying, overloading your Depends. So little to offer intellectually, so much herky-jerky angry logorrhea, such a sore loser. Atta boy, Geppetto.

    • So your claim is that Heritage Foundation controls Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department and the CSU Extension? Even by the common standards for anti-science lunacy that’s a stretch.

      Maybe it will sound better if you throw in some Koch Bros, Bilderbergers, and Lizard People.

  4. The concept of organic farming has taken on religious trappings When it has to hide facts, and rely on nutter groups like the organic consumer organization that thinks it is a good idea to plant a horn filled with fecal matter in the field to combat agricultural troubles, you know they don’t have a reasonable foot to stand on.

    • Thank you for pointing that out. The “religious trappings” you mention are actually the very reason I had my initial misgivings about the whole antiGMO juggernaut back when i was participating in that first “March Against Monsanto” almost half a decade ago now. At the time, I knew next to nothing about either biotechnology or modern farming methods… but I could tell there was something “not quite right” beneath the tidy presentation of all the convenient and self-reinforcing soundbites. It was way too simplistic, and *did* remind me of going to church!

      And it certainly didn’t take long for my subsequent inquiry to reveal that the greater part of the antiGMO campaign was an extension — and ultimately, an indictment — of the whole “organic” marketing scheme on the whole. Funny, if it weren’t for the antiGMO movement, I might have very well have remained in the 94% of organic consumers surveyed who said the main reason they were willing to pay double for their food was because of the (false) notion that “organic” growers didn’t use chemical pesticides or herbicides. THAT was a big fallacy revealed at the get-go…

      I do consider it to be a nice bit of poetic justice, however, that in the last few years we are hearing some corners of the organic lobby bemoan the fact that they are now starting to lose some of their market share to conventional food producers who, capitalizing on the success of Big Organic’s own antiGMO scare tactics, are now realizing it is much easier to pay for a “nonGMO” label to slap on their product than it is to go through the whole rigamarole of “organic certification” (whether or not there is even a GMO variety of that product in the first place!). File that one under the Law of Unintended Consequences, ha ha.

      Side note… who else finds it to be kinda twilight-zonish to recently see the *mutagenically* derived Ruby Red Grapefruit juice sporting the “Non-GMO Verified” label? You’d think if anything would qualify as a “GMO” it would be something intentionally zapped with radiation in order to purposely fracture its DNA and see what useful mutations might arise. But no, it’s even OK for this strain to be featured as “organic” in your local “health food” stores!

      The sad fact of the matter is that any amount of consistent rationale or honest adherence to the best evidence available is about the last thing to be expected from the GMO fearmongers. Glad to see them finally getting exposed for the charlatans that they are, and I hope these Boulder County commissioners will take a hard look at the credibility and characters of those who they are stooging for in their recent vote to shackle local farmers with restrictions that are not only misguided from a scientific and agricultural standpoint, but worse, pose a greater risk to the environment and the economy.


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