Digital motivation


Finding the motivation to put down the video-game controller and step outside to play can be a challenge during the summer. But thanks to a new line of pedometers called GeoPalz, kids ages 5 to 12 have a reason to turn off the TV and get active.

The rationale is simple: Why not give kids a way to track their activeness and then reward them for it? Kids simply clip the battery-operated pedometer onto their pants to count the number of steps taken each day. The GeoPalz keeps track of those steps, which can then be logged onto an interactive website. Kids earn one point for every mile they walk — roughly 2,500 steps — and then earn prizes like hacky sacks, Frisbees and even credits to PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Parents only pay shipping and handling for the prizes.

The GeoPalz site also tracks kids’ progress and sends out virtual certificates when milestones are reached, such as logging 10,000 steps. Online updates also are sent to parents to track their child’s activity.

The pedometer costs $19.99 and can be purchased at store, and it is free to register the pedometer online. A free GeoPalz iPhone app can also be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store. Users can count steps with the app and track multiple family members’ GeoPalz progress at once.

For adults, the S2H Replay digital watch lets you earn gift cards for moderate physical activity, which can be as simple as doing a load of laundry. The watch tracks arm movement and lets you know when you’ve reached 60 minutes of physical activity. It then displays a code that can be redeemed online for gift cards to shops such as Toys R Us, Amazon, Target and iTunes. Users can redeem only one 60-minute code a day.

The S2H Replay watch sells for $19.95 at

Interchangeable rubber armbands can be bought for $2.99.

—MCT Respond:


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