Tag: May 16 2024 issue

Savage Love: May 16, 2024

I was chatting with a couple of friends and the topic turned to clearing out a loved one's belongings after they've passed away and...

Astrology: May 16, 2024

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Polish-born author Joseph Conrad (1857–1924) didn’t begin to speak English until he was 21 years old. At 25, his writing...

Discourse & discord

College students across the nation have risked arrest and expulsion to demand that institutions of higher learning cut financial ties with Israel and/or weapons suppliers, or at least...

Gov’t watch: May 15, 2024

Boulder City Council  At the May 16 meeting, council will:  • Decide whether to authorize a settlement for $125,000 to resolve a lawsuit filed by Sina...

BoCo, briefly: May 15, 2024

Ned repeals rights of nature Nederland’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously Tuesday to repeal the town’s Rights of Nature protections passed in 2021, The Mountain...

The din at dinner

One year ago on Memorial Day weekend, I woke up to a wall of silence. Overnight, I’d lost the ability to hear out of...

Curtain calls

As April showers bring May flowers, Denver’s theatrical scene is in full bloom. From a musical comedy to two historical dramas, here’s a closer...

Cruel world

The place is filled with glowing neon lights, loud noises and whirling games. Families play and celebrate birthday parties, but down the center aisle...

The progressives’ Palestine dilemma

By Tom Shelley As I write this, I am having trouble staying on top of what is happening at this or that university campus. It’s...

Disturbing the peace

By Sean Bodhivajra Scanlan President Biden went on camera recently  to wag his finger at all those naughty schoolchildren throughout the country, who, instead...