
Should our natural resources have legal rights?

From the very start of our nation, the most popular forum for debating and shaping our democratic rights was not stately legislative halls, but...

Regulating their way to destruction

In Colorado, politicians gave up the idea of sane conversation regarding oil and gas drilling, climate change and the general preservation of the environment...

Have you heard the news? Poverty is over!

Someone needs to buy a Grassroots USA tour package for the members of Donald Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, so they can at least...

Letters: 4/11/19

On student debt Growing up, I was privileged to know that higher education would always be an option for me and I had a support...

This Pride is different

I am finishing my first monthly column about LGBTQ life for Boulder Weekly on June 5, 2023, which is my 43rd birthday. It is also...

Welcoming more racial diversity through affordable housing

Boulder residents must realize that diversity is not implemented into their city by openly declaring their acceptance of it, but rather through changing structures...

There’s a word for Trump’s latest flimflamming of workers

By gollies, The Donald delivers! Trump and his new blue-ribbon panel of working-class champions have announced a bold initiative to create millions of American jobs....

Letters 1/13/2022

The world does not hear The COVID-19 virus eludes identification and capture. Relentless efforts by science has not found the origin or cause of the...

Oliver North, the NRA’s new poster boy

Oliver North recently became the president of the National Rifle Association (NRA). The organization’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, said North “is a legendary warrior for...

Shakespeare, like youth, is wasted on the young. Or is it?

Had Dana Dusbiber written the op-ed piece she had in the Washington Post last week while I was in high school, I would have nominated her for teacher of the year...

The hidden history of U.S.-Cuban relationship

It was a turning point. Beginning in 2013, the U.S. and Cuba began secret talks in Canada and Vatican City. In 2015, Barack Obama...

Boulder’s suit against ExxonMobil is based on a pack of lies

The Boulder City Council has done some astonishingly stupid things when it steps outside of its core areas of incompetence, which include managing growth,...