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How do I explain my politically incorrect fantasy?

Dear Dan: I am a twentysomething, straight, cis-female expat. How long do I have to wait to ask my German lover, who is übersensitive...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

We’re not scientists, but… The City of Longmont has a bit of a problem with its emergency alert system. You see, there is this magnificent...

The dirty origin of the war on drugs

Twenty years ago (in 1995 probably) I was sitting in on a panel discussion at the University of Colorado Boulder on the drug war...

Deconstructing stereotypes with David Schmader

I was taught that the two things that I love the most, homosexuality and weed, were completely evil,” says David Schmader, speaker, essayist and author...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Meet the candidates In early December, a U.S. government class at Mohawk High School in Sycamore, Ohio, prepared for a rare treat. A real, live...

Savage speaks at the “Uninhibited: About Sex” lecture series

I was honored to speak at JCCSF — Jewish Community Center of San Francisco — last week as a part of their “Uninhibited: About...

Astrology: March 31, 2016

ARIES March 21-April 19: According to my astrological analysis, you would benefit profoundly from taking a ride in a jet fighter plane 70,000 feet above...

The Supreme Court stays out of it

On Monday, the United States Supreme Court declined to hear the case brought by Nebraska and Oklahoma against Colorado over its marijuana legalization law....

Tracking killer asteroids

In December 2004, astronomers in Arizona discovered an asteroid the size of a cruise ship that appeared to be on a collision course with...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Snow day In case you missed it, it snowed like 2 feet on Wednesday and a bunch of roads throughout Boulder County were closed. We...

Why Merrick Garland should go to hell

When it comes to marijuana, Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, deserves a special place in hell. A place where every night demons wearing Drug...

Astrology: March 24, 2016

ARIES March 21-April 19: When Orville and Wilbur Wright were kids, their father gave them a toy helicopter powered by a rubber band. The year...