
The burden of actual Christianity

Most praise for writer/director Jesse Moss’s documentary, The Overnighters, has rightly been focused on its Steinbeckian nature and explosive revelations about struggling workers in North Dakota. That wasn’t the big takeaway for me. The big takeaway for me was how ...

The sound of a true American voice

Ten years ago at the Sundance Film Festival, a new voice in American cinema was announced. The voice was not loud, but it was clear, and it belonged to the 29-year-old Ramin Bahrani...

‘Love Happens’ an unoriginal romantic comedy

An unoriginal romantic comedy...

Guilty of misdirection

Conviction should have been a good film. After a woman’s beloved ne’erdo-well brother is convicted of murder in a tiny hick town, it’s up to her to exonerate him, first through the system and then by going to law school and becoming a one-client attorney. Better yet...

Comedians review reels of forgotten treasure

Nick Prueher would never wish his career on anyone...

An Ang Lee masterpiece

Being stranded in the middle of an unforgiving ocean is a theme that’s been explored in films as diverse as Swiss Family Robinson and Hitchcock’s surprisingly tense Lifeboat. But being cast adrift for more than 200 days in a lifeboat with an adult Bengal tiger? It ...

Holy Frenchman, Batman

There’s a moment in Holy Motors when Monsieur Merde, a dirty leprechaun-looking man in a tattered green suit with scraggly red hair, approaches the fringes of a high-fashion photo shoot. The photographer is grunting, “Beauty, beauty!” with perverse glee at his model...

The bright side of Mexico

Talking on the phone with longtime record producer-turned-filmmaker Duncan Bridgeman, you get the feeling you’re talking to an extremely friendly, hippie version of Hunter S. Thompson...

Almost a film

The first thing to note about Sam Neave’s indie thinkflick on love, Almost in Love, is that it’s made in practically the opposite way as a Hollywood film...

‘Ninja Assassin’ run-of-the-mill

In Japan, where the blades are shiny and sharp and if the...

Snapshots from the rum haze

Johnny Depp was a pal of the late Hunter S. Thompson, and the frustrating but thickly atmospheric film version of Thompson’s early novel The Rum Diary finds Depp and writer/director Bruce Robinson paying tribute to the author, freelance gonzo journalist, career ...