

Moondance Film Festival

Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 7-8. Hotel Boulderado, 2115 13th St., Boulder, 303-442-4344.

Moondance Film Festival is a powerhouse film festival right in our backyard. Featuring work from around the world, the festival provides a platform for filmmakers, writers and composers to deliver varying perspectives on social issues. One highlight of this year’s festival is a sneak preview of The World is My Country about “World Citizen No. 1” Garry Davis. Armed with a world passport, as a citizen of no nation, Davis was able to enforce real change globally, including helping to pass the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The film features actor-turnedactivist Davis telling his own story, giving people an intimate look at his remarkable life in the wake of his death at 91 in 2013.


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