Under the dome

ARISE is more than a music festival

The Big Sunrise Dome, as it’s known, is a 400-seat, air-conditioned dome theater.

ARISE is in its fifth year and it’s already one of Colorado’s best-known and most successful festivals, and there’s a reason for that. It’s far more than a music festival.

Sure there are nearly 100 bands playing on a bunch of stages, but there is also yoga, all kinds of workshops, theme camps, an art gallery, art installations and an amazing collection of panels and discussions that take place under the dome.

The Big Sunrise Dome, as it’s known, is a 400-seat, air-conditioned dome theater. That is something not every outdoor festival can boast.   

Here’s the invitation ARISE offers to its attendees regarding the dome programing. “Come join world thought leaders in environmental and social justice advocacy, witness an intimate song and storytelling session, or enjoy a provocative documentary film. The Big Sunrise Dome is the perfect place to escape the daytime heat, sit back and learn something new.”

Notice it doesn’t say come listen to thought leaders, it says come join the conversation, and that’s what makes the dome experience so unique and enlightening.

Boulder Weekly is proud to be presenting a few of the panels in the dome this year, and BW editor Joel Dyer will be playing moderator once again from time to time.

So consider this an invitation from us to you, our readers. If you are attending ARISE, come join us under the dome for lively discussions about what’s going on in the world and how we can work together to make it a better place.

And just so you don’t miss any of the great dome programing, the following is the Big Sunrise Dome schedule for the entire festival.

Big Sunrise

Dome Schedule

Friday, August 4

1:30 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Regenerating Communities Through Ethical Food

A thought-provoking conversation with industry specialists about the organic food industry.

3 p.m.

Songwriters in the Round with Chloe Smith (Rising Appalachia), Dustin Thomas, and Anna Moss(Handmade Moments)

The focus is on the song in this intimate dialogue and performance by and with these ARISE favorites.

4:15 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – The Hip Hop Panel: Words That Matter

A discussion with acclaimed hip hop artists and activists about the power of words.

5:45 p.m.

Breaking It Down: Unveiling Electronic Production with David Satori (Beats Antique & Dirtwire)

Come be a part of an intimate performance and discussion with multi-instrumentalist and music producer David Satori of Beats Antique on electronic music production.

7 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – The Wisdom Panel

A conversation among thought leaders of various backgrounds in the geodesic spiritual center of Sunrise Ranch.

Saturday, August 5

9 a.m.


Experience the depths of your meditation potential. Integrating synths, electric violin, vocals and sonic bass, DEEPSØNØS is a beautiful full-spectrum sound meditation experience.

10:15 a.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Right Livelihood: Living & Working Mindfully After the Festival Ends

This panel shows there are many ways that one can live a mindful, creative, climate-conscious life, both socially and professionally. The panelists will detail how their working or professional lives were inspired by their hearts’ passion, and they will offer tips on how to “take the festival home” with them by practicing “right livelihood.”

11:30 a.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Women in Cannabis: Powerful Pioneers of a Growing Industry

A multi-faceted discussion led by cannabis businesswomen.

1 p.m.

World Music Embodied: Joining Disparate Instruments to Create Cohesive Sound with David Satori (Beats Antique, Dirtwire), Sidecar Tommy (Beats Antique), Evan Fraser (Dirtwire), & Chris Berry (Bana Kuma Orchestra)

This playshop will explore the wide variety of intriguing instruments and traditions that artists are bringing to ARISE from cultures across the world.

2:15 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Behind the Art, Behind the Artists – Android Jones and more

A discussion of art with artists. Can’t beat that.

3:45 p.m.

Songwriters in the Round with Elijah Ray, Kat Wright, and Shane Burke

An intimate dialogue and performance by and with these ARISE favorites.

5 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Boulder Weekly Presents: The Resistance Panel

Join us for a conversation with regional and national filmmakers, journalists and activists for a conversation of what’s possible when you RESIST.

6:15 p.m.

“Humanity: Arise!” with Honored Guest Barbara Marx Hubbard

Join us for this special interactive, musical, and spiritually enriching conversation. Barbara Marx Hubbard will be joined by Bridget Law of Elephant Revival to provide the musical backdrop to this enlivening conversation.

Sunday, August 6

9:30 a.m.

Reconnecting with our Primal Spirituality

Connect with the Sunrise Ranch for an open invitation Sunday morning service.

12:30 p.m.

ARISE Dialogue – Boulder Weekly Presents “WTF… Where are we going and how did we get in this hand basket?”

Today’s news can leave us with even more questions than before we hear it. What in the world is really going on right now, and how can we be ready for what’s next? Join in this exciting conversation, facilitated by ARISE Festival producer and activist Paul Bassis.

1:45 p.m.

Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock

Join us for a screening of the new film Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock. There will be a conversation with the filmmaker(s) following the film.

4:15 p.m.

Songwriters in the Round with Jeff Austin, Sage Cook (We Dream Dawn), and Andrew Sturtz

Join the pickin’ and a ginnin’ with this amazing group of musicians.

5:30 p.m.

“Humanity: Arise!” with Honored Guest Barbara Marx Hubbard

Another special interactive, musical and spiritually enriching conversation. Barbara Marx Hubbard will be joined by Bridget Law of Elephant Revival to provide the musical interweaving to this enlivening conversation.

7 p.m.

A Live Interaction Improvisation with Sasha Brown & Friends featuring Neal Evans, Chuck Jones (Dopapod) and Elijah Ray

What you get when great musicians spontaneously create. Don’t miss it.


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