
Nutrients to Help Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Dear Pharmacist, Both my father and brother have suffered a heart attack. I’m worried because I’m 52 years old and my blood pressure is slightly elevated, but other than that, I am pretty healthy. All my tests are okay, but I am scared. Any suggestions? --P.A. Denver...

FDA Requires Me to Tiptoe Through My Two Lips

Dear Pharmacist,My question is about the FDA and freedom of speech. The reason I ask is that I am reading your Drug Muggers book, and you make a lot of nutrient recommendations. When I called a big online store to ask a question about a supplement they sell, they ...

Amendment 62 assaults our sex lives

Anthropology demonstrates that human beings have undergone extensive lifestyle transitions, from hunting and gathering to agriculture and farming to agri-business and Wall Street shenanigans. This social evolution has led to the emergence of law and religion. Law...

Sweet Relief for Coughing Children

Dear Pharmacist...

Eyes wide open

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Why You Should Make Your Pharmacist Your Best Friend

Dear Pharmacist, I’m frequently confused by all the choices when I’m trying to select an over-the-counter (OTC) product from the drugstore. Is it OK to ask the pharmacist for help? I’ve tried at times, but they are always busy and I have to wait. --P.R. New ...

The crusade against contraception

The birth control pill turned 50 years old last month. This marked a milestone in the world of contraception — for women, sexuality and reproductive health and family planning. Of course, women have always had a ways of preventing pregnancy. In 1500 B.C., ...

Careful before you kiss and tell

Karen Owen had sex with 13 guys at Duke University. She kept scrupulous notes about her activities. She gossiped about it with girlfriends. Then it leaked all over the Internet...