The endless possibilities of autumn


It can be hard to watch summer fade — those long days of sunshine seem to signal endless possibilities, awakening the child in each of us. But when we let go of summer, we realize there’s something equally exciting in the chilly autumn air. As the leaves burst in vibrant colors and eventually fall to the ground, we often feel compelled to turn our attention inward and reflect on our year so far. The smell of autumn — a blend of smoke from chimneys, decomposing leaves and impending snow — reminds of us things past, like first days of school, and gives us a glimpse of things to come, like the holidays.

Cooler weather also brings the season’s harvest, and as such, our fall issue of Boulderganic places food front and center.

Within these pages we offer tips on having fresh produce even after the farmers’ market closes for the season; we look at what local coffee roasters and brewers around the county will be serving up this winter; we also examine how Boulder County goes beyond federal mandates to provide nutritious lunches for students.

Craft brewers around Boulder County took some time to tell us how they manage to make delicious beer while employing environmentally conscious practices. And author Sandor Katz explains the benefits of fermented foods.

But as always, we didn’t stop with food. You’ll find stories about how to protect trees around your property from the Douglas-fir tussock moth and how one local nonprofit can help you make your home more sustainable.

In the Health and Fitness section we’re proud to share stories about improving women’s health and how meditation can help students achieve more in school and in life.

Ultimately, we think we’ve provided a little something for everyone.

It’s our pleasure to share this issue of Boulderganic with you, and we hope you’ll keep an issue on the coffee table to peruse during those upcoming chilly evenings. Perhaps these stories will serve as a reminder that while summer may be gone, there are still endless opportunities.

Thanks, as always, for reading. We hope you enjoy.


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