Tidbites | Slow down



Slow Food Boulder County is holding its annual meeting on Thursday, April 12, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The meeting is intended to allow people in the local food industry to gather under one roof to share ideas and wishes for how they can pull together this year to “further the cause of good, clean and fair food for all.”

The meeting will be held at the Altona Grange in Longmont, and attendees will learn about the grange system, hear what Slow Food Boulder County is all about, help elect officers, have the chance to join a committee and contribute ideas for the coming year. The meeting is free and open to all. For more information visit http://slowfoodboulder.com.


Cured is hosting another class in its 101 Education Series — this time on blue cheeses.

“With Tax Day approaching, it seems only appropriate to take a little time to indulge the Blues inside,” the restaurant declares in its announcement for the class.

From mild blue cheddar to classic English Stilton to the overly sharp Spanish Cabrales, the class will explore the world of molds, innocuation and aging that is responsible for the most loved and loathed category of cheese out there.

The class is $35 per person, and attendees will receive 10 percent off everything in the store. RSVP at 720- 389-8096.


The Boulder Wine Merchant is marking its 32nd birthday with a sale during April.

The shop, located at 2690 Broadway, is offering 20 percent off a variety of featured wines throughout the month. The wines comprise a collection of rare Burgundy, German, Austrian and Italian wines that the shop is focusing on to make room for new offerings.

During the last week of the month, the sale will include all wine in

the entire store.

Respond: letters@boulderweekly.com


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