Letters | A leguminous error


Just wanted to point out an incorrect statement in the article, “Quinoa Conundrum,” in the Feb. 28 issue.

“They’re also intercropping quinoa with leguminous crops, such as corn and potatoes, to keep weeds down and provide more nitrogen for the plants”

They are intercropping with legumes but corn and potatoes are not legumes and they are not using corn and potatoes. There was a webinar posted just this week featuring Kevin Murphy of WSU. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7j_VdwrFSA

Thanks for publishing the article.

Tina Ligon, master gardener/via Internet

Cleveland offended

(Re: “All together now,” Boulder County Beer Tour, Feb. 28.) I hope you didn’t pay for this article.

Anyone there doing any editing? Not cool taking a swipe at another city for no apparent reason.

John Fay/via Internet

One problem with drafting elderly

(Re: “Want to bring back the draft? Here’s how.” Danish Plan, Feb. 21.) Mr. Danish has some good points on the drafting of seniors.

Many of the duties of modern warfare don’t require the physical ability of younger people.

However, being age 72, I can state that most would quickly forget which side they are on.

Don Huckstadt/via Internet

You won’t print this

(Re: “The bad seed strikes again,” The Highroad, Feb. 28.) Congrats on your fear-mongering and poorly written drivel on “The bad seed.” If your goal was to produce a steaming pile of text, that is.

Farmers do not have to purchase Monsanto’s licensed germplasm, they are completely free to use whatever poor-producing antique varieties that they want. However, if they choose to buy Monsanto’s germplasm the requirements are very clearly spelled out as a condition of sale.

This is really no different than buying licensed software or music. The purchaser has no rights to reproduce these without paying royalties to their developers. Are those industries evil too? In your narrowminded world surely this must be true as well.

The chemicals used with biotech crops are far safer than traditional agricultural chemicals.

Try writing a real article instead of spreading your manure; the crops may like your contribution, but normal, rational and thinking people can see it for what it truly is.

I am confident that you will not have the nerve or journalistic integrity to publish this.

Dan Shiley/Frederick

Thanks for vegan review

Editor’s note: The following is an open letter to Boulder Weekly restaurant reviewer Clay Fong.

(Re: “Julia’s proves vegan can taste good,” cuisine review, Feb. 28.) I wanted to thank you for your review of Julia’s vegan restaurant.

It is the first article I’ve seen of a vegan or vegetarian restaurant by an omnivore, and I was pleased to read your balanced review.

My uncle’s cholesterol was high, and now he is enjoying low-meat and even vegan meals more often, with results that satisfy his physician! I recently took a devoted meat-foodie to a vegan restaurant in my city, and, unlike the other vegetarian restaurants, this one he enjoyed. I, myself, became vegan in 2011 and love it. Your article showed an educated critique, based on food quality rather than food perceptions. For that, I thank you. If I should make it to Boulder, I will definitely consider Julia’s.

Melanie Ransom/Ottawa, Canada


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