From world takeover to full automation, fears around artificial intelligence could make the plot of a good science fiction novel. Saudi-born new media artist Nouf Aljowaysir is adding a fresh anxiety...
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From world takeover to full automation, fears around artificial intelligence could make the plot of a good science fiction novel. Saudi-born new media artist Nouf Aljowaysir is adding a fresh anxiety...
One of the grittiest expeditions of Keith Ladzinski’s life was his first assignment for National Geographic. In 2012, he journeyed to Antarctica on a team of four to find and...
“I hate the governor in Texas,” says 8-year-old Reece. The second-grader is sitting alongside their mom for an interview with photographer Jesse Freidin, who has been traveling the country since...
The underlying myths of the so-called “Wild West” may be suspect at best, but the natural grandeur of its backdrop is without question. That much is clear at the new...
The Colorado River has served as a centerpiece for so much of the mythology and literature written about the American West. From books like John Wesley Powell’s Exploration of the...