Tag: opinion

Opportunity costs

In Boulder County, the promise of public education as the great equalizer is challenged by the stark realities of school funding, economic disparity and...

Outward bound

Contrary to popular belief, there are a few benefits to being a wheelchair user. Adaptive recreation is one of them.  I’ve always been adventurous. Growing...

Via: Mobility needs unmet for 1,000 locals

“My husband, Albert, is a retired police officer. He is 87 years old and has had multiple surgeries. Recently, his right leg was amputated...

Citizens for true civic use

By Stan Garnett I have agreed to provide legal counsel to the group called Protect Boulder Civic Space and proudly added my name to their...

From pollution to solution

By Alejandro Murillo Boulder, a beacon of environmental consciousness, faces a pivotal moment in its quest for climate justice. The Valmont Power Station, once a...

Letters to the editor: June 10, 2024

Democracy in action Ms. Ochs’ challenging trip to Washington shows how a determined advocate can create more understanding with members of Congress, hopefully leading to...

Ms. Ochs goes to Washington

Last month, I wrote about the difficulties of traveling for wheelchair users (“Inaccessible world,” April 22). Not long after, I took a solo flight...

The progressives’ Palestine dilemma

By Tom Shelley As I write this, I am having trouble staying on top of what is happening at this or that university campus. It’s...

Balance, not betrayal

By Nicole Speer and Mark Wallach Last month, the Boulder Weekly published a lengthy recitation of grievances and claims of betrayal by the city from...

Letters to the editor: April 29, 2024

Forest under threat I bet you didn’t know that millions of acres of Colorado’s biodiverse, carbon-storing forests are on the chopping block. That’s because much...

Inaccessible world

Being a wheelchair user requires a lot of planning. Any travel demands that I plan ahead.  I can’t swallow so I need to make sure...

Think globally, act locally

By Micha K. Ben David Why are Israel’s actions in Gaza a climate justice issue in Boulder County?  As I write this, over 1,000 Israeli civilians...