Tag: May 05 2016 issue

Letters: 5/5/16

Open Letter to Boulder City Council, Boulder County Commissioners and Arvada City Council Dear Elected Officials: Please do not allow the Plutonium Superhighway (aka Rocky Mountain...

Beware the corporate takeover

“Bernie’s where the Democrats need to be. He’s speaking to fears that working families have about the future, but he’s not dividing people the...

Bound by nothing

The water of the Rio Grande shimmers with a muddy green, lizard-like iridescence in late April sun, meandering slowly (unlike the actual lizards that...

Parsing the PR lies of Goldman Sachs

CorporateSpeak is an inane language that conveys seriousness without any sincerity. Consider this example from Goldman Sachs: “We are pleased to put these legacy matters...

Longmont fracking ban struck down, what now?

It was quite a read. The further I delved into the Colorado Supreme Court’s decisions to overturn Longmont’s ban on fracking and Fort Collins’...

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

Send them our way, please. There is a county up in Montana, Gallatin County to be precise, sitting on more than three-dozen War-era, emergency fallout...

The long, strange hunt for 420

The first time I saw the term “420” was in the May, 1991 issue of High Times magazine. That’s when 420 truly went global....

Should I do it?; Wrong hole!

Dear Dan: I’m a virgin in my late 20s. I’m not waiting until marriage, just for the right person. I’ve dated enough and had...

Throwing cannabis to the dogs

New York-based veterinarian Stephen Katz has a totally different clientele than you would see in Boulder, or in most suburbs anywhere. “I mean, it...

Astrology: 5/5/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: “Silence is not silence, but a limit of hearing,” writes Jane Hirshfield in her poem “Everything Has Two Endings.” This observation...

A force of nature

This Mother’s Day weekend is all about nature for Boulder’s classical musicians. The weekend kicks off Friday night with conductor Bahman Saless and the Boulder...

Great wines tell an honest story

Spring has finally arrived. Lemonade stands will start popping up soon. And when the mercury rises, it’s nearly impossible to pass one without making...