Front of blue Flatiron Flyer bus with bike in rack and passengers waiting to board RTD route from Denver to Boulder

Opportunity costs



Supreme Court gives McCain-Feingold a thumpin’

The Wall Street Journal’s story about last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down the ban on corporate and union campaign spending in federal elections contained a detail that the New York Times story managed to overlook...

Can’t ‘fix’ homelessness

We read with interest — and sadness — Pamela White’s article about homelessness (“There’s no easy fix for homelessness,” Uncensored, Jan 21...

Seeing China from the new World Trade Center

You can knock us Americans down, but you can’t keep us down...

Don’t sexualize women

(Re: “Performance and sex appeal,” Elevation, Jan. 14.) I wanted to send in a letter saying how horrid your article about the “sexy” women for Lange is. It’s disgraceful. Women have so many body issues, and what this “unique and quality” company is promoting is ...

The twisted ethics of trade secrets

It`s time to enjoy another round of that sensational game show that’s so popular from coast to coast: “Twisted Ethics!” Today’s ethical conundrum involves chemical compounds marketed as everything from household cleaners to flame retardant fabrics. The question comes...

Nine ways to run a computer

A couple of weeks ago, the Weekly printed a letter from Jim Bryant taking me to task for dissing the decision by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to locate its new $500 million supercomputer in Cheyenne, Wyo. — where it can get cheap, coalgenerated...

Praise to go around

(Re: “Boulder County People of the Year 2009,” cover story, Dec. 24.) I would like to thank the Boulder Weekly for their selection of those of us who worked on the ClimateSmart Loan Program as their 2009 People of the Year. We believe that ClimateSmart is an ...

Counterfeit conservatives

You would think that leading conservatives in our country would be, you know … conservative. As in being very opposed to letting government authorities intrude into people’s privacy and personal liberties...

U.S. produces more gas

(Re: “Copenhagen was a success — for the Chinese,” Danish Plan, Dec. 31.) Paul Danish’s implication that the Copenhagen accord, such as it is, is unfairly advantageous to China and other developing countries ignores the simple and overwhelming fact that China’s per ...

Dear readers, supporters and community partners:

As we bid goodbye to 2009 and set our sights not only on a new year but a new decade, I would like to share with you some of what has happened during the past year at Boulder's only independent newspaper, as well as what you can expect to see from us in the coming ...

Let’s chuck the bottle

Bottled pollution...

Copenhagen was a success — for the Chinese

It would be wrong to say that nothing came out of the Copenhagen conference. Just ask the Chinese...