
LETTERS | Week of Jan. 23

Goodbye, civil liberties...

Moral Monday on the move

Rosa Parks became a powerful symbol of courage and defiance in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s by simply refusing to give up her seat to a white man and move to the back of the bus, as the racist culture of that time dictated she was supposed to do...

LETTERS| Week of January 16

Weed threat overstated...

A new player for Ohio State football games

In the ever-escalating competition to be the Number One big-time college football program in the nation, Ohio State University bulked up last fall with a monster recruit named Maxx...

Democrats playing too nice with the GOP

At the beginning of the Colorado legislative session, there was a lot of cheerful chatter about bipartisanship. A fine idea in the abstract...

Pot legalization day in Colorado more orderly than Black Friday

On Nov. 9, 1989, BW marijuana columnist Leland Rucker and I kicked back on his couch, cracked a couple of Buds, fired up a spliff, and waited for the Berlin Wall to come down...

LETTERS | Danish trivializes a death

Correction: A Jan. 2 commentary, “ALEC’s attack on renewables arrives in Colorado,” mistakenly identified Xcel Energy as a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Xcel was a member of ALEC until 2011. It continues to provide hundreds of thousands ...

The spreading plague of antibacterial products

Chances are you have, but don’t know it. These two are antimicrobial chemicals, which might sound like a good thing, except that they disrupt the human body’s normal regulatory processes. Animal studies show, for example, that these triclos can be linked to the ...

LETTERS | Week of Jan. 2

Whistleblower’s lament (Re: “City to spend $4 million cleaning up teahouse property,” News, Dec. 19.) The City of Boulder’s June 2009 Water Quality Strategic Plan (“WQSP”) outlined actions to protect and preserve the quality of water in Boulder Creek. The WQSP was ...

Get a whiff of ‘synthetic biology’

It’s always inspiring to see global corporate giants crush small farmers, stomp on nature, circumvent our laws by hook or crook, and deceive and gouge consumers...

City’s cleanup of teahouse site actually deserves kudos

At first I thought it might just be the holiday season or perhaps the sense of optimism that tends to wash over me with the start of each new year. Whatever it was, I initially assumed it was tainting my perspective and clogging my journalistic BS filter. What I ...

Total elapsed time: 80 seconds

On Dec. 13, Karl Halverson Pierson, a disgruntled student, entered Arapahoe High School in Littleton in a murderous frame of mind...