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Astrology | Week of Oct. 6, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: “Do unto others as they wish,” advised French artist Marcel Duchamp, “but with imagination.” I recommend that approach to you, Aries. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you can create good fortune for yourself by tuning into ...

in case you missed it | We’re anti-anti-abortion

We’re anti-anti-abortion...

Astrology | Week of Sept. 29, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: I’ve got a challenging assignment for you. In accordance with your current astrological omens, I am inviting you to cultivate a special kind of receptivity — a rigorously innocent openness to experience that will allow you to be penetrated ...

in case you missed it: Santorum’s dirty ego

Santorum’s dirty ego...

Astrology | Week of Sept. 22, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: “I have a simple philosophy,” said Alice Roosevelt Longworth, a self-described hedonist who lived till the age of 96. “Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches.” That’s not an approach I recommend you pursue all the ...

in case you missed it | Phlegming gags on tax hike

Phlegming gags on tax hike...

Astrology | Week of Sept. 15, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: “An awakened Aries would rather err on the side of making a daring, improvisational mistake than cuddle up with passionless peace,” writes astrologer Hunter Reynolds. “He or she knows that creative conflict can be a greater unifying force ...

in case you missed it | Tainted words

Tainted words...

Astrology | Week of Sept. 8, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: “Don’t be angry with the rain,” counseled author Vladimir Nabokov. “It simply does not know how to fall upward.” In the coming week, I advise you to apply that principle to a host of phenomena, Aries. Don’t get all knotted up about any ...

in case you missed it | Work. Breathe. Die.

Work. Breathe. Die...

Astrology | Week of Sept. 1, 2011

ARIES March 21-April 19: Strange but true: To pave the way for your next liberation, you will have to impose some creative limitations on yourself. In other words, there’s some trivial extravagance or unproductive excess in your current rhythm that is suppressing ...