Sophisticated Sex

Careful before you kiss and tell

Karen Owen had sex with 13 guys at Duke University. She kept scrupulous notes about her activities. She gossiped about it with girlfriends. Then it leaked all over the Internet...

Kids’ sexual health, part II

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Olympic-winning sex: Go for the gold

When it comes to sexuality, does your sex life make it to the finals in Vancouver? For the bronze, all we need to attain is basic functioning and a sufficient quality of connection. To win silver, we need to move from sufficient to satisfying. Getting the gold ...

Should I stay or should I go?

Partner A says, “Go to hell...

Best actor vs. best actress

Movie critics are squabbling over the dichotomy of best actor vs. best actress. Many say male and female performers should be evaluated as equals, maintaining that separate categories perpetuate stereotypes and suppress the growing success of women. In a New York...

The crusade against contraception

The birth control pill turned 50 years old last month. This marked a milestone in the world of contraception — for women, sexuality and reproductive health and family planning. Of course, women have always had a ways of preventing pregnancy. In 1500 B.C., ...

Mindful love-making

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Sexual health for the new year

Dear Dr. Jenni, I’m curious how you define a sexually healthy couple. My husband and I have sex once a week. We do a variety of positions and have adequate foreplay. I feel leagues ahead of some of my girlfriends who claim they rarely have sex, or rarely want it. ...

The season’s sexual stress

Dear Dr. Jenni...

Role out that costume again

Officer Greg bent Cindy over and slapped handcuffs on her wrist. She pleaded that she had not committed a crime...

Resuscitating your sex life

Dear Dr. Jenni...

The meet market

For hundreds of years in some cultures partners met each other when walking down the aisle of their own arranged marriages...