
How is Trump like Humpty-Dumpty?

Comandante Trump, El Jefe, the gringo strongman! That’s the image our current commander-in-chief seems to be cultivating. He has surrounded himself with generals, cavalierly threatened...


Misleading bias...

Colorado ‘promotes’ natural-gas catastrophe that now threatens Colorado River

Parachute Creek is now officially contaminated with cancer-causing benzene and heaven knows what else. A carcinogenic stew is now making its way quickly down the creek and presumably into the Colorado River a mere four miles away from the source of the contamination...

Fracking the First Amendment

It’s one thing for Big Oil frackers to bust into our Earth, our communities and our economic well-being — but the fracking fad is also busting the free speech rights of locals who dare to speak out against it...

The nonviolent history of American independence

Independence Day is commemorated with fireworks and flag-waving, gun salutes and military parades... however, one of our nation’s founding fathers, John Adams, wrote, “A...

Money in CD2 race

Saturday, April 21, I attended the BoCo Dems candidate forum for Colorado’s second congressional district candidates Joe Neguse and Mark Williams. Attendees were asked...

Playing Washington’s inside game

Do you know any of the dozen Congress critters who’re on the superpowerful deficit-reduction supercommittee? I don’t mean do you know their names, but do you really know them — know them well enough that they’ll take your call...

Gaza: The usual suspects and the usual lies

Whenever Hamas’s excitable boys in Gaza pick a fight with Israel — as they did in 2008, 2014 and this spring — it plays...

Environmental transformation or a future of Katrinas

Naomi Klein says we had an opportunity for big changes in 2008 after the financial crisis hit and Barack Obama was elected president. She...

Letters | Check the facts

Check the facts...

Fighting the superbugs of agribusiness

Not so long ago, the “miracle cure” of antibiotics prompted doctors to prescribe them for illnesses as minor as colds and upset tummies. But, then, people began to die. In droves. Why? Overuse of antibiotics led to the rapid evolution of savvy bacteria resistant ...