Gov’t watch: June 12, 2024

What your local officials are up to this week

By Will Matuska - June 12, 2024

Boulder City Council 

At its June 20 meeting, council will:

Take a preliminary vote on whether to authorize city acquisition of property easements through purchase or eminent domain for the Gregory Canyon Creek Flood Mitigation Project. Property easements, which allow the city the right to use and access specific areas on private property, will be needed for construction and maintenance of the creek. According to the city, it is emphasizing collaboration with property owners to obtain easements and will only use its authority as an option of last resort. 

Gregory Canyon Creek flows through University Hill in Boulder. Courtesy: City of Boulder

Gregory Canyon Creek originates in city open space and flows through residential areas roughly between 6th and 8th streets on University Hill until it reaches Boulder Creek near the downtown library. The project’s preliminary design includes building new channel and roadway culvert structures with the goal of protecting property and infrastructure, creating a nature-based design along the creek. City staff are currently conducting community outreach, which will include meetings with impacted property owners and continue through spring 2025. Construction is expected to start next fall. For more information, visit the city’s website:

Vote on whether to give an official conservation designation to an area called North Foothills, located west of U.S. Highway 36 just north of Boulder. The Open Space and Mountain Parks department uses conservation areas to protect rare plants and animals like horned lizards and birdsfoot violets. 

Review a redevelopment plan for 2555 30th St. that proposes demolishing an existing car dealership, Foundation Hyundai of Boulder, and building a four-story apartment complex with approximately 150 units. 

Boulder County Commissioners

During the week of June 17, commissioners will:

Hear a monthly report from the Head Start division manager Akane Ogren at 9:30 a.m. on June 18. Boulder County Head Start (BCHS) is a preschool program that provides school readiness support for children living in families with lower incomes. BCHS served 104 children last year, nearly half of which were at or below the federal poverty line. 

Host a June 18 town hall at the Sunshine Fire Protection District Station 1 (311 County Road 83, Boulder) with staff from the wildfire mitigation team at 5:30 p.m. to present an update on their work. 

Lafayette City Council 

On June 4, council: 

Approved an intergovernmental agreement with the county and city of Broomfield, Boulder County, Thornton and Erie to share costs to design six bus rapid transit (BRT) stations as part of the conceptual plan for regional transportation from Boulder to Brighton. Lafayette will pay $28,750 for the design of a “superstation” at the intersection of U.S. Highway 287 and Lucerne Drive to serve future BRT routes on 287 and State Highway 7. 

Received an annual report from Republic Services, the city’s partner in solid waste collection. In November 2023, 3,500 homes were added to the three-cart program (trash, recycling, compost) resulting in a 33% increase in participation and a 3.7% decrease in the amount of materials being sent to landfills.

All agenda items are subject to change. Karen Norback contributed to this reporting. 

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