The Spirit of Japan festival Aug. 23-25 at Denver’s Sakura Square features more than 20 Japanese food and sake vendors. spirit-jpn.com/Denver
The Nederland Jazz & Wine Festival Aug. 24 features live jazz and tastes from local wineries, including Boulder’s Settembre Cellars, plus spirits, beer, mead and non-alcoholic beverages with food vendors and trucks. nedjazzwine.com
Slow Food Boulder County hosts an Aug. 25 fundraiser at Sunflower Farm featuring live music, farm tours and tastings of fresh fare prepared by Farow, Urban Field and Whistling Boar. sunflowerfarminfo.com
Also: Loveland Corn Roast Fest, Aug. 23-24. loveland.org; Polish Food Festival, Denver, Aug. 24-25, polishfoodfestival.org; and the Colorado Ukrainian Festival, Aug. 24, Lakewood, ukrainiansofcolorado.org
Words to Chew On: Breakfast flavor crash
“Nothing beats the taste sensation when maple syrup collides with ham.”
— Agent Dale Cooper in the first season of the odd TV series Twin Peaks
John Lehndorff hosts Radio Nibbles and Kitchen Table Talk on KGNU. Comments: [email protected]. Read more local food news on Boulder Weekly