The Best Way to Reach Boulder County!

Did you know? … Boulder Weekly reaches more 18+ adults in Boulder County each month than any other publication. 110,309 in fact. (Source: 2020 Media Audit)

Our audience, your customers: active, hip, educated and affluent.

It’s an age thing

The vast majority of Boulder Weekly‘s readership falls within the ages of 18-54. Where some publications primarily reach only a young or older demographic, a broad range of ages are picking up Boulder Weekly— including the most important range for consumer spending.

It’s a lifestyle thing

Dynamic consumers: Boulder Weekly readers dramatically exceed market averages in over 30 spending categories. It’s no wonder given their elevated levels of education, income and professional/technical occupations.

It’s a perspective thing

Fact: Daily Newspaper readership is in sharp decline.
Distinguished by provocative news reporting, engaging arts and entertainment reviews, and in-depth coverage of issues both local and global, Boulder Weekly attracts readers who’ve abandoned the daily newspaper habit, reaching 50% more 25-54 year olds than the closest competition. (Source: 2020 Media Audit)

Wide Age Range Coverage

  • 18-34 — 41% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • 25-54 — 66% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • 50+ — 28% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • Single — 43% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • Married — 47% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • Children in the home — 57% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership

Educated & Affluent

  • College graduates — 69% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership
  • $50,000 – $150,000+ annual income — 60% of Boulder Weekly‘s readership

Dynamic Consumers

Plan to purchase in next 12 months

  • New home — 30% above market average*
  • Buy/lease car — 27% above market average
  • Cell phone — 31% above market average
  • Stereo Equipment — 46% above market average
  • Personal Computer — 40% above market average
  • Camera — 41% above market average
  • Furniture — 34% above market average

*Market referenced includes the entire Boulder/Denver metro area


Boulder Weekly is distributed each Thursday at more than 1,000 specifically targeted locations throughout Boulder County and areas beyond. Our circulation system is designed to get the paper quickly and efficiently into the hands of readers. They will find their copy of Boulder Weekly in enclosed outdoor boxes, indoor wire racks, at shopping areas that include Whole Foods, King Soopers and Safeway, at restaurants, movie theaters, hotels and motels, on the CU campus and The Hill, or where they work. Everywhere they find it each week, inquisitive readers will be enthusiastically reading their copy of Boulder Weekly, the only truly independent newspaper in Boulder.


For advertising, feel free to contact us for more information. [email protected]
For all departments, and a staff directory click here.

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