Behind the byline

New reporter joins Boulder Weekly to cover Longmont

By Tyler Hickman - September 18, 2024

The first thing I did when I jumped off the bus every afternoon as a kid was grab the newspaper. Usually, I was looking for mention of anyone I knew — teachers, coaches, the occasional friend who made the honor roll. A lot of times, it was to read the comics. Every once in a while, I’d see a familiar face on the cover. 

If you’d told me then that I would someday be the one writing those stories, I would have fainted; I was never a fan of the spotlight. 

Three years ago, I decided I wanted to be a journalist. I had no idea where to start, but I thought, ‘Grad school might help.’ That thought turned into a move across the country to Boulder. 

I spent the next two years at CU Boulder learning how to be a reporter, writing for The Colorado Sun, Boulder Reporting Lab and a digital student publication called Planet Forward. I was hooked, and I knew Boulder was where I wanted to stay. 

Now, here I am, in print, and in a community that cares deeply about good journalism. Most importantly, in a position that can follow one of Boulder County’s fastest growing cities, Longmont, as the community rapidly evolves. I’m excited to get to know the people and tell the stories that make Longmont special. 

I’ll be looking out for these stories, and I welcome anyone to share what they think needs more attention in Longmont. You can reach out to me at [email protected] with tips, or just to say hello.

Check out the first story from Tyler Hickman about regional efforts to raise the minimum wage.

Regional efforts to raise the minimum wage stall in four BoCo cities

Jacob Waltz has called Longmont home for a decade, but for the first time he’s thinking about leaving. Rising rent…

September 18, 2024
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Body count

Their world crumbled, so they came to ours. They came from far away and are doing their best to assimilate…

September 18, 2024
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