Longmont City Council
At the Dec. 10 study session, council:
- Initiated an appointment process to replace Ward 2 representative Marcia Martin, who last week announced her resignation effective Dec. 31.
Per the Longmont city charter, any vacancy that occurs with more than one year remaining in a term will be replaced through a special election. Martin’s official resignation date falls outside of that window, requiring a replacement to be appointed by city council to fill out the remainder of the term.
The city will accept applications from Ward 2 residents for the seat Dec. 16 through Jan. 8 and will conduct public interviews during its Jan. 21 first meeting in place of an open forum. Swearing-in of the new representative for Ward 2 will be scheduled for Jan. 28.
- Directed staff to bring forth an amendment that will require hotels to renew their licenses annually and meet safety requirements. The amendment is designed to reduce calls for service to city police pertaining to criminal activity in an effort to reduce disproportionately high levels of police responses to hotels and motels. Establishments will be required to reach an average of no more than 1.5 calls for service per room by 2027 to be eligible for licensing.
Boulder City Council
On Dec. 5, council:
- Voted in Lauren Folkerts as mayor pro tem. The mayor pro tem serves for one year and fills in for the mayor in their absence. The position was previously held by council member Nicole Speer, who nominated Folkerts for the position.
On Dec. 13, council will:
- Meet with CU Boulder Chancellor Justin Schwartz and staff to discuss housing, sustainability, enrollment and retention.
On Dec. 19, council will:
- Hold a public hearing and vote on regulations for natural medicine healing centers.
- Discuss the city’s Climate Action Plan, which is set for a refresh in 2025.
Council will be on winter recess from Dec. 22 to Jan. 4, 2025.
Boulder County Commissioners
On Dec.18, commissioners will:
- Attend the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) meeting at 6:30 p.m. at 1001 17th St., Denver. An agenda for the meeting has not yet been released.
On Dec. 19, commissioners will:
- Accept public comment and receive an update from the Boulder County Housing Authority. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. and will be held on the third floor of the historic courthouse, 1325 Pearl St. Attend virtually: boco.org/BOCC-Dec19AM or register to speak in person: boco.org/InPerson-Dec19AM.
A Dec. 18 Planning Commission meeting has been canceled. The commission will reconvene Jan. 15.
Louisville City Council
On Dec. 9 and 10, council:
- Interviewed 25 candidates for boards and commissions in two special meetings. There were 75 applicants for 33 vacancies. Council will vote on appointments at the Dec. 17 meeting.
On Dec. 17, council will:
- Vote on changes to the city’s liquor and marijuana laws, to come into compliance with changes made at the state level.
- Discuss the remainder of the 2024 work plan.
- Receive and update on management of city open space.
Louisville Planning Commission
On Dec. 12, the Markel Homes Coal Creek Village application was withdrawn. The development included some 13,500 square feet of commercial space and 186 market-rate and affordable rental housing units. Having failed to meet the continuation requirement for an additional traffic study, approval of the plan will be subject to a new 2025 hearing.
All agenda items are subject to change. Mark Cathcart contributed reporting.