Boulder City Council
There won’t be a regular city council meeting during the weeks of March 28 and April 4 due to spring break (aligned with Boulder Valley School District) and the council’s annual retreat on April 3 and 4.
At the retreat, council will discuss agenda priorities for the coming years. In the past, top concerns included middle-income housing, homelessness and transportation. Residents can attend virtually: bit.ly/councils_retreat.
Boulder County Commissioners
On March 26, commissioners will:
• Hear public testimony after Boulder County Housing Authority gives a general update on its operations. The authority has increased its number of units by 96% since 2012 and now manages over 900 with hundreds more in the pipeline.
• Host a public hearing about the zoning map amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District, based on FEMA revisions. The map is part of an effort to update flood risk zones regulated in unincorporated Boulder County.
On March 28, commissioners will:
• Vote on the Parks and Open Space Department’s land management plan for the 1,377 acres that make up Prairie Run Open Space just north of Erie. The plan, called the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan, includes protecting wildlife habitat and installing walking trails, a picnic shelter and more. The Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee unanimously recommended conditional approval of the plan in December.
• Vote to adopt the Comprehensive Development Plan Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and City of Longmont. The document is created to plan for and regulate land development. There will be opportunity for public comment.
Lafayette City Council
On March 19, council:
• Opposed House Bill 24-1313, which would require cities to allow more high-density housing along transit corridors, saying the bill’s “one-size-fits-all approach” undermines Lafayette’s work on responsible development and affordable housing. Lafayette could lose an average of $889,000 each year in highway funds if it does not comply with the legislation, now under consideration in the state House.
• Approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with Boulder County authorizing the city to work with the Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership to create a regional affordable housing and rental program managed by the City of Boulder.
• Supported House Bill 24-1235, Reducing Aviation Impacts on Communities, which creates a state program to reduce heath risks from leaded aviation fuel on communities under aircraft flight paths and requires airport noise abatement plans. The bill is under consideration.
— Karen Norback