Boulder City Council
At its June 6 meeting, council will:
• Hold a public hearing and vote to adjust the 2024 budget to reflect $46 million in “unspent funds, additional revenue” and “unanticipated expenses,” such as shifting timelines or increased costs for construction projects. For example: Boulder purchased land for its planned relocation of Fire Station #2 one year earlier than expected, according to staff, so money will have to be moved around to fund the purchase. Another project to improve 19th Street was delayed to allow Xcel Energy to bury power lines and expanded to include storm drainage and flood infrastructure repairs, adding to costs.
The process, called an “adjustment to base” or ATB, is routine, happening twice yearly. The next ATB is in the fall.
The agenda item may also include information on expenditures related to grants. According to notes from staff, the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), of which Boulder is a member, requested $199.7 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fund efforts to reduce climate pollution. Additionally, Boulder has $11.7 million in remaining funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA. Boulder received more than $20 million in COVID-era ARPA money.
• Hold a public hearing and vote on whether or not to make changes to its permitting and development review process (by which buildings and businesses are cleared for construction and/or operation). Read more about the proposed changes: boulderweekly.com/news/red-tape-reversal/
Boulder County Commissioners
During the week of June 3, commissioners will:
• Vote on whether or not to allow a marijuana grow, production facility and dispensary at the former Eldora Lodge site on Coal Creek Canyon Drive near Golden. The 2.67-acre property is currently zoned for use as lodging; commissioners are considering a change of use. A vote is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 4. Attend in person (1325 Pearl St., 3rd floor) or virtually: boco.org/BOCC-June4PM. Sign up to speak in person: boco.org/InPerson-June4PM
• Meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, with the Boulder County Consortium of Cities, a group of local government officials who work on regional issues such as minimum wage and transportation. Attend in person (3280 Airport Road, Boulder) or virtually: zoomgov.com/j/1603553572
Lafayette City Council
A May 28 workshop was canceled due to lack of quorum (a majority of members were not available to meet). Items on the agenda — which include updates on a study of city staff compensation and the city’s climate action plan — will instead be discussed at the June 4 meeting.
All agenda items are subject to change. Karen Norback contributed to this reporting.