Town of Superior Ballot Issue 3B: Sales tax increase for pools, parks and roads

Should Superior residents raise taxes and borrow money to pay for big projects?

By Kaylee Harter - October 8, 2024

This measure asks residents to approve a .315% sales tax increase in Superior that would fund projects like renovating the two town pools, playgrounds, parks and roads. 

It also allows the town to issue up to $20 million in debt, which it says would help accelerate the projects. 

How much will it cost?

This tax amounts to 31.5 cents on every $100 spent and puts the town at an 8.96% sales tax rate. According to town estimates, the average Superior household will pay an additional $65 per year. 

How much money will it generate?

The tax is estimated to generate an additional $1.6 million annually for the town. 

This money would not be subject to the town’s agreement with Louisville that requires Downtown Superior to share 50% of its general, non-dedicated sales tax revenue. 

What will it pay for? 

The town has $35 million in unfunded capital improvement projects. If this measure passes, the town board would meet to prioritize the projects, according to town communications manager Kevin Colón. No specific project is technically a lock until this process is complete, but likely projects include: 

  • Pool renovation. The North Pool would likely be renovated in the fall of 2025, and the South Pool would be renovated the following year, according to the town’s website
  • Parks and rec facilities improvements and renovations. This would include:
    • Addressing structural settling and drainage issues at the Superior Community Center. Fixing the issues is “critical to the long-term use of this facility,” according to the town website
    • Renovations and construction at 10 of the town’s 16 parks, including upgrades at Community Park. 
    • Replacing the lighting system and renovating surfaces at the Superior tennis courts 
  • Sidewalks and major street projects that could include parts of Rock Creek Parkway, 5th Avenue and Indiana Street

Other projects could include work on the McCaslin multi-use trail, traffic calming measures and town-wide concrete repair. 

When will it expire?

This tax would sunset after 25 years. 

Other things to consider: 

  • The town board said they opted for a sales tax over a property tax because 70% of sales tax comes from people who aren’t Superior residents. 
  • The tax still keeps Superior at the same rate or below three neighboring towns (Lafayette, Boulder and Louisville) and puts it above three others (Longmont, Erie and Broomfield) 
  • Superior’s pools were constructed in the ’90s and have been closed repeatedly in recent summers. The South Pool was replastered this summer and “a large hole” was temporarily patched at the North Pool. The town has been “putting a lot of band aids on our pools — but we’ve run out of band aids,” Mayor Mark Lacis wrote in a July community email. 
  • The town says that if the measure isn’t passed, the projects would be delayed or not completed at all. 

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