Boulder Weekly sent candidate questionnaires to all candidates on Boulder County ballots. These are their written responses, edited for length and clarity. Read more Election 2024 content.
Travis Pinz
Relevant experience
Did not answer. On his campaign website, Pinz describes himself as a stay-at-home dad and Erie homeowner and former small business founder.
- Growth
- Budget
- Infrastructure
Lightning round
Do you support Erie joining RTD? No
Do you support allowing recreational marijuana sales in Erie? Yes
Do you support more diversity of housing in Erie (townhomes, apartments, efficiency units, etc.)? No
Do you support the development of the Draco Pad? Did not respond
Do you support local efforts to increase the minimum wage? No
Do you support an end to the state prohibition on rent control? IDK
Do you support interventions for human-caused climate change? No
Do you support for SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of what constitutes a public meeting? Did not respond
When was the last time you paid rent? How much was it? And where? Did not respond
Long-form questions
What would you say are the top three issues facing Erie, and what are your plans to address them?
- Smart Growth. We cannot continue this path of unlimited growth when we cannot afford to take care of existing parks. If we are receiving added tax revenue for this growth, why is it not being allocated to take care of the existing infrastructure already in place?
- We are also in a water crisis here in Erie. With the most expensive water around, our citizens cannot afford another rate increase.
What are your perspectives on the planned growth? What mechanisms would you use to handle growth responsibly?
Slow it down. Period. Until we can address water, police, roads and parks, we need to slow down and address these issues first before moving forward on any new development.
Do you believe there is a need for more affordable housing in Erie? If so, what is your plan to make it happen? The free market will resolve this. I do not believe in government intervention in a town of our size.
Given the realities of a changing climate and limited government resources, how do you plan on balancing mitigation and adaptation for already-impacted populations in Erie? Did not respond
As a town council member, what tools at your disposal would you use to protect residents from the impact of oil and gas operations, both existing and future? Did not respond
How do justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) factor into your policy making? Did not respond
What efforts do you make in your daily life to consider and understand people with different lived experiences from your own?
Listen to your neighbors, talk with your neighbors and, quite frankly, just be a good person to everyone you encounter.
When’s the last time you changed your mind about something, and what was it? Everyday I wake up. Learning about different sides of the equation and having an open mind about everything is the only way to be a better person. I plan on being an open book when it comes to ideas and new ways to make Erie the best place to live. No one has ALL the answers, we must be open to change our minds when better ideas come along.
What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot?
Why have we closed and abandoned the Leigh Splash pad? If we don't have the budget now, what park is next and why are we not planning for such items to break or have a rainy day fund for such items like this?