Boulder Weekly sent candidate questionnaires to all candidates on Boulder County ballots. These are their written responses, edited for length and clarity. Read more Election 2024 content.
Andrew Moore
Relevant experience
As Chief Information Officer of Colorado School of Mines, and former CIO of Boulder Valley School District, I problem-solve and build community every day. I'm currently leading an effort to implement Artificial Intelligence into the business of education to reduce errors and remove mundane tasks from our staff so they can focus on more advanced work. I will bring the same AI understanding and benefits to Erie.
As a three-term Erie Mayor from 2004 to 2010, I am proud of these accomplishments:
- Rainy Day Fund was created
- Recreation center and ball fields were built
- Library district partnership resulted in a new library
- First-ever open space and trail fund was established
- First-ever ethics ordinance was established
- First-ever unified development code was passed for quality and balance
- Comprehensive Plan update was completed with meaningful community input
- IGA with Broomfield was inked, allowing King Soopers to come to Erie on Highway 7
- First bond rating for the Town of Erie through S&P and Moody was established
As a director and board chair of Resource Central from 2015 to 2019, I helped lead this incredibly important organization in reducing water usage, energy conservation in our schools and keeping reusable materials out of landfills.
With a CU MBA and degrees in computer science and sociology, I have a diverse educational background that allows me to problem-solve with a broad perspective.
1. Intelligent, sustainable growth
Prioritizing thoughtful development that balances progress with community needs is paramount. The voice of our community has been lost in how we plan our future. I will work to restore an inclusive, detailed planning process that welcomes residents' voices back into the conversation.
2. Collaborative decision-making
Embracing unity and diverse voices to create solutions that benefit everyone is key. With a proven track record of nonpartisan leadership, I am committed to solving problems in the best interest of Erie's residents above himself and partisan politics. I will welcome all voices into the conversation, believing we are better when we include different perspectives.
3. Transparent fiscal accountability
Ensuring our town’s finances are open, honest and wisely managed is critical. Erie has a spending problem. In just two years, the rainy day fund was eliminated, town reserves aggressively spent down and cuts are being considered for core services like road maintenance. I will work to restore transparent fiscal accountability so residents are confident that town leaders are good stewards of their money and investing in what matters.
Lightning round
Do you support local efforts to increase the minimum wage?
No. It pays some more but reduces the number of positions as businesses can’t afford to hire as many workers. This hurts the majority of our entry-level workforce.
Do you support an end to the state prohibition on rent control?
No. It would lower rents for some and create a rental shortage. Market rates ensure a balance of cost for available units. The way to reduce rent is to increase housing units, which creates more supply for the demand.
Do you support government interventions for human-caused climate change?
Yes. Transitioning to electricity will take time, and we must work together to find the best ways to bridge our transition. It is not an all-or-nothing pathway to a clean-air future. I commute in an electric car and subscribe to sustainability practices to reduce carbon emissions.
Do you support Erie joining RTD?
Yes, however, I will support what the voters of Erie choose this November.
Do you support allowing recreational marijuana sales in Erie?
Yes, however, I will support what the voters choose this election.
Do you support more diversity of housing in Erie (townhomes, apartments, efficiency units, etc.)?
Yes. Housing diversity and more supply are ways to achieve affordability. I don’t support high-density next to low-density development (do no harm), and where our infrastructure (roads, water, drainage, etc.) can’t adequately support it.
Do you support the development of the Draco Pad?
No. This approval must follow state law and is not in Erie’s jurisdiction. Having said that, I would rather see production elsewhere in the US, where the Environmental Protection Agency controls how oil and gas is produced. I’m concerned a hard no for oil and gas in the U.S. will not slow demand but push supply to countries that don’t have the safety and clear production regulations of the U.S. I work for Colorado School of Mines, whose research into carbon capture and clean energy is helping solve our transition to electricity. I drive an electric car for my commute to do my small part.
Do you support for SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of what constitutes a public meeting?
No. I believe in the transparency of our democratic process and don’t believe the law is necessary.
When was the last time you paid rent? How much was it? And where?
It has been a long time; however, my 27-year-old daughter shares a rented townhome in Boulder for $3,400.
Long-form questions
What would you say are the top three issues facing Erie, and what are your plans to address them?
Fiscal responsibility, intelligent growth and collaborative decision-making.
What are your perspectives on the planned growth? What mechanisms would you use to handle growth responsibly?
We have to reexamine the cost of growth to ensure it pays its way. The long-term fiscal health of the town is in jeopardy partially because the development impact fees are not adequate to cover growth costs, as is evident from the lack of funding for expanding the police station, water plant and other infrastructure.
Given the realities of a changing climate and limited government resources, how do you plan on balancing mitigation and adaptation for already-impacted populations in Erie?
I would support expansion of the methane recapture program at the Erie landfill to use the energy for our operations. As a director and board chair of Resource Central from 2015 to 2019, I helped lead this incredibly important organization in reducing water usage, energy conservation in our schools and keeping reusable materials out of landfills. The solution has to be multi-faceted.
As a town council member, what tools at your disposal would you use to protect residents from the impact of oil and gas operations, both existing and future?
I support SB181, and I won’t let an oil and gas well in your backyard; it’s the law.
Do you believe there is a need for more affordable housing in Erie? If so, what is your plan to make it happen?
There is a need for affordable housing everywhere in the Front Range. Housing diversity and more supply are the most fair and effective way to slow the housing cost challenge.
How do justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) factor into your policy making?
Everyone must be treated fairly regardless of background, gender, race, age and sexual orientation.
What efforts do you make in your daily life to consider and understand people with different lived experiences from your own?
Empathy and understanding are extremely important when interacting with others. I ask questions to better know my colleagues and those in our community. I try never to forget that we all have challenges, and when interacting, we don’t know what someone else may be going through. Give grace!
When’s the last time you changed your mind about something, and what was it?
I change my mind all the time, but it is done with new information and a new perspective that I’ve gained. It is important to make decisions with the best information and be open to changing your mind when new information is learned.
What question would you ask a fellow candidate on the ballot? Did not respond