State + regional offices
Candidates are listed in the order they appear on ballots.
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Colorado State Board of Education, D2
Kathy Gebhardt, D
Boulder Valley School District Board of Education, member (8 years) and president (2 years), Colorado Association of School Boards, member (8 years) president, National School Board Association Board of Directors, member (4 years) chair of political action committee
- To secure opportunities for all Colorado students to lead their most successful lives
- To lift up the needs of children with learning differences
- To support welcoming, well-resourced schools
Gebhardt is running unopposed. For more of her views on the issues, view her full candidate profile.
CU Regent - At large
Eric Rinard, R
Senior engineer at KMLabs, Weld County Republican Party District Captain
- Increase accessibility and reduce cost
- Support the growth and diversity of research initiatives
- Restore balance and diversity of opinion and promote free speech by opposing mandates and prohibitions
Rinard did not respond to multiple requests for comment. This information was pulled from his campaign website.
Elliott Hood, D
Education attorney, former public school teacher, former development director for education nonprofit
- Affordability and access
- Improving graduation and retention rates
- Environmental sustainability
- Divestment from fossil fuels
- Tuition freeze or cap policy
- Elimination of tenured positions
- Supreme Court dismantling of affirmative action
State Senator, D17
Tom Van Lone, R
Former Erie mayor, Weld County Republican Party chairman
- Cost of living
- Education
- Health care
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
Full candidate profile:
Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D
Incumbent (2019-2024)
Efficacy rating: 73%
32 of 44 bills on which Lewis was a prime sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor
- Environment
- Health care
- Gun violence prevention
- Education
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- Ending the state prohibition on rent control
- Government interventions for human-caused climate change
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Lewis did not complete a candidate questionnaire. This information was pulled from her campaign website.
State Senator, D18
Judy Amabile, D
Incumbent (2021-2024)
Efficacy rating: 91%
49 of 54 bills on which Amabile was a prime sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor.
- Mental health
- Climate action
- Housing availability and affordability
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Amabile is running unopposed. Full candidate profile:
State Representative, D10
William B. DeOreo, R
Consultant on water issues, former U.S. State Department representative to India
- Focusing state government on protecting the rights of its citizens against unwarranted over-reach from the federal government, foreign NGOs and advocacy groups
- Improve the physical security of citizens
- Improve the financial security of citizens
- Front Range passenger rail
- State prohibition of local occupancy limits
- Redeveloping the Boulder Municipal Airport into housing
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- Government interventions for human-caused climate change
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
Junie Joseph, D
Incumbent (2023–2024)
Efficacy rating: 78%
21 of 27 bills on which Joseph was a primary sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor
- Economic security and affordability for all
- Climate change
- Equity and social justice initiatives
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
- Redeveloping the Boulder Municipal Airport into housing
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Joseph did not respond to yes/no questions on local efforts to raise the minimum wage
Full candidate profile:
State Representative, D11
Karen McCormick, D
Incumbent (2021-2024)
Efficacy rating: 70%
21 of 30 bills on which McCormick was a primary sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor
- Universal health care
- Climate change
- Ending discrimination
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
Kathy Reeves, R
Retired IT professional, volunteer at Life Choices Pregnancy Center
- Cost of living
- Safety/family
- Liberty
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Housing density
- Front Range passenger rail
- Local efforts to raise the minimum wage
- Government interventions for human-caused climate change
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
State Representative, D12
Kyle Brown, D
Incumbent (2023-2024)
Efficacy rating: 58%
15 of 26 bills on which Brown was a primary sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor
- Climate action
- Affordable housing and health care
- “Ensuring that every kid and family can thrive”
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
Mark Milliman, R
Electrical engineer and telecommunications professional
- Economic relief (reducing taxes and regulation, private insurance)
- Home and family (school choice, mental health care)
- Crime (reversing recent criminal justice reforms)
Milliman did not respond to multiple requests for comment. This information was pulled from his campaign website.
State Representative, D19
Dan Woog, R
Former representative (2021-2023)
Efficacy rating: 31%
4 of 13 bills on which Woog was a primary sponsor were sent to or signed by the governor
- Reducing the cost of living (encouraging condominium construction, defending TABOR, supporting hydrogen and natural gas)
- Revitalizing public education (expanding school choice, paying teachers more)
- Improving public safety (more cops, more security equipment for schools)
Woog did not respond to multiple requests for comment. This information was pulled from his campaign website.
Jillaire McMillan, D
Director of volunteers at national nonprofit, small business owner, PTA president, leader of church youth ministry, mother of four
- Expand health care access
- Improve access to public transportation
- Gun violence prevention
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- Government interventions for human-caused climate change
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
State Representative, D49
Steve Ferrante, R
Small business owner, former law enforcement officer and pastor
- Parents and children (parental authority, ending gender reassignment surgeries and treatments)
- Education (school choice)
- Prosperity and opportunity (reducing government spending and regulation)
- Rights and responsibilities (freedom of speech and religion)
Ferrante did not respond to multiple requests for comment. This information was pulled from his campaign website.
Lesley Smith, D
CU Board of Regents (2019-2024), City of Boulder Water Resources Water Board (2013-2018), BVSD Board of Education (2005-2013), research scientist, CU Boulder (1989-2018)
- Protecting environment and climate change
- Public education
- Affordability in housing and health insurance
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Housing density
- Ending state ban on rent control
- Front Range passenger rail
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
District Attorney
Michael Dougherty
Incumbent (2018-2024)
- Reducing gun violence
- Further expand restorative justice and diversion programs
- Develop family justice center for victim services, consolidating resources for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and child abuse
- Elimination of cash bail
- Use of opioid settlement funds for law enforcement tools and technology
Dougherty is running unopposed. Full candidate profile:
Regional Transportation Director, District I
Karen Benker
Retired from a career in budget and finance, working with government agencies and nonprofits, former Longmont City Council member
- Build the northwest rail line to Boulder and Broomfield Counties
- Restore bus service
- Resource/budget management
- Creating new partnerships between CDOT and Front Range passenger rail
Benker is running unopposed. Full candidate profile:
County offices
Boulder County Commissioner, D1
Claire Levy, D
Incumbent (2020-2025)
- Mental health
- Affordable housing
- Transportation
- Housing density (but not in unincorporated Boulder County)
- Front Range passenger rail
- State prohibition on occupancy limits
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- Government interventions for climate change
- SB24-157, which narrowed the definition of public meetings for elected officials
- Rent control
Levy is running unopposed. Full candidate profile:
Boulder County Commissioner, D2
Marta Loachamin, D
Incumbent (2020-2025)
- Implementation of co-created guidance to move Boulder County from land acknowledgment to meaningful action with American Indian, Native American and Indigenous communities, with a concrete action plan.
- Equitable and transparent distribution of the 2023 Affordable and Attainable Housing Tax to begin January 2025
- Leading development and implementation of a Community Engagement framework with our partner Once and Future Green
- Housing density
- Front Range passenger rail
- State prohibition on occupancy limits
- Local efforts to increase the minimum wage
- Rent control
Loachamin did not respond to questions about climate change or public meeting requirements for elected officials.
Full candidate profile:
Donald “Don” Lewis, R
[email protected]
Former software engineer, past governor of the Colorado-Wyoming chapters of the Optimists International club
- Reduce costs for business startups
- Reduce the number of building regulations
- Utilize specific income to solve problems that generate the income: i.e. road related taxes
- Reduce taxes generally.
- State prohibition on local occupancy limits
- Ending the state ban on rent control
- Local implementation of rent control
- Housing density
- Front Range passenger rail
Lewis did not respond to questions about minimum wage, government interventions for climate change or public meetings rules for elected officials
Full candidate profile:
Boulder County Coroner
Jeff Martin
Acting coroner (appointed January 2024)
- Community engagement
- Creating a workplace environment of diversity, equity and inclusion for staff
- Streamlining process within the office to reduce costs and increase efficiency
Martin is running unopposed. Full candidate profile: