Most people headed down to Boulder’s Twin Lake Open Space in search of craft beer are destined to Avery’s large and impressive new digs. That behemoth features two dining rooms, a slew of taps and a state-of-the-art brewery that you can walk through. Yes, it is impressive and yes it is big, but Boulder provides a bevy of choices on every corner. If you’re looking for something different, then feel free to take a right when you get to Nautilus Court and say hello to the fine folks at Asher Brewing Company.
Boston-born Chris Asher opened his doors on Nov. 20, 2009, with the intention of establishing Colorado’s first organic brewery. On Feb. 25, 2010, that dream came true when all of Asher’s brews were certified USDA organic. As of this printing, Asher Brewing is still the only all-organic brewery in the Centennial State.
Asher Brewing also takes pride in their commitment to transparent sustainability and publishing exactly what they are doing on the website. Yet, the charm of Asher Brewing is that they don’t beat you over the head with all of this in the taproom. These modest digs are for drinking with friends.
Asher’s eight taps offer up five core beers with a couple of variables. The clear standout was the Café Kölsch (5% ABV), a unique beer that many have tried their hand at and come up short. With an undeniable aroma of roast and toast on the nose, a light mouthfeel and a crisp and clean finish, the Café Kölsch is a hybrid of sorts — morning in the nose, happy hour in the mouth; winter in the smell, summer in the taste — and like those two great tastes that taste great together, Café Kölsch is just the sort of beer you are looking for.
More traditional offerings can be found with the Green Bullet IPA (7%), Grenade Double IPA (9%) — which is an adequately named flavor bomb — and the Treehugger Amber (6%), which sports more hops than the average amber. The Green Dream Fresh Hop (6.5%), pale ale crafted from a blend of Cascade and Chinook hops from Niwot, is a citrusy beer with a hint of spice that is as refreshing as the Green Monstah (10%) is strong. This beast of a brew is one of Asher’s icons and just the sort of brew that you’ll want to wrap yourself up in during the oncoming cold winter months.
All the beers that Asher Brewing Company provides coincide with the owner Chris Asher’s vision, and that vision is going strong seven years on. That means it is time to celebrate and on Dec. 3, Asher Brewing will host their official Seventh Anniversary Celebration, complete with live music, the debut of their new brew, Jam Session IPA, and McDevitt Taco Supply. Come on in, the water’s fine.
On Tap: Asher Brewing Co. 4699 Nautilus Court S., Suite 104, Boulder, 303-530-1381. asherbrewing.com