
Naked Belief

My favorite professors were the ones who’d set me up a space heater before I arrived. Even in the early fall months, just as...

Coming of age in an altered world

In March of 2020 I was studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain with a group of friends, enjoying Europe in the way only a careless...

In defense of burning books and abalone

Some books should be burned. At least one book should be burned. That book should be Ulysses. THE WRONG MOLLUSK I was at the Kapi’olani Farmers...

A masochist’s love letter

I love telling the story of my wisdom teeth. Anytime someone mentions a tooth extraction or dentistry mishap, I weasel my experience into the ring...

Just a Dawdream

Bar 40 is assaulting my will to live. I’ve spent two hours clawing away at this brief descending figure in fifths, trying to harmonize and...

The ones we let in

I’m not a pet person. It’s not that I don’t like animals. Like people, it just takes me time to warm up to them,...

2021 in the rear-view

The space-time continuum seemed to warp this past year, contracting and elongating: While the post-election, pre-insurrection days when election truthers seemed crazy but not...

A year in three tracks 

“A letter to my younger self” (Ambar Lucid)She enters with just the bright, plucky guitar and when she leaves, she does the same—but in...