Bixby School


4760 Table Mesa Drive Boulder, CO 80305


At Bixby, an environment has been created in which the naturally inquisitive, open mind of a child is not restricted by exercises that set a predetermined path to success. The focus, rather, is on embracing the intrinsic way children learn by providing them the freedom to venture out, explore, and experiment in an unimpeded journey to knowledge.

Facts and skills have a context and a purpose. Problems and projects are designed to extend thinking, creativity and the authentic learning that comes from trial and error. Questions are prized. Bixby is a school where children can experience joy in something that is already in their nature: learning.

The world of Bixby is a small but compelling one, where teachers view and respond to children as individuals, where children are expected to respect their teachers and fellow students and where the challenge of being a member of a variety of communities (i.e., family, school, neighborhood, town, country, world) is embraced as another important aspect of learning. The merit in this approach reveals itself in children who are confident, creative, less likely to give up on challenges, and who, generally, have a deep understanding of concepts across disciplines.